6. Best Pizza

In App Lab create an app to give advice on the best pizza in Chicago.

Be strategic about how you divide up the work among your group members, and decide who will do screen sharing.

Can't decide who does screen sharing? By default choose the person whose name is first in alphabetical order.

This app should have at least the three screens described below.

  1. The top-level TypeOfPizzaChooser screen should present text asking about their favorite pizza preference between Deep Dish and Thin Crust. The screen must have a button for Deep Dish and a button for Thin Crust. Selecting each of these buttons takes the user to a separate screen, as shown in the diagram above and described below.
  2. A DeepDish screen that lists the top three deep dish pizza restaurants in Chicago, with links to those restaurant's web sites, map locations and menus.
  3. A ThinCrust screen that lists the top three thin crust pizza restaurants in Chicago, with links to those restaurant's web sites, map locations and menus.

Each screen must have appropriate images. You will need to do research on what the top pizza restaurants are, where their menus can be found, and maps to their locations.


Get the link to your group's solution using the Share near the top-left of that page:

Share Link

Post the link to your App Lab solution using this google form. The title should be: Pizza. Be sure to type in all group member names on the submissions form as well as within your code!


0: Main screen is created but button clicks do not take you to secondary screens

1: Main screen buttons function and take user to secondary screens

2: Secondary screens have top restaurants with links to locations, menus and maps.

3: Extra credit: App has significantly enhanced visuals, multimedia besides images and/or significant additional functionality