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Problem Solving and the Book How to Solve It


George Polya was a Hungarian mathematician who wrote the book How To Solve It ( George Polya, 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1957, ISBN 0-691-08097-6) . This book has sold over a million copies and has been translated into 17 languages. (https://math.berkeley.edu/~gmelvin/polya.pdf ). Polya provides general approaches for solving a wide range of problems, both mathematical and non-mathematical. In his book he identifies four basic principles of general problem solving which can be represented by the 4 letters U-P-I-R: (modified from http://www.math.wsu.edu/faculty/martin/Math105/NoteOutlines/section0103.pdf )

The Four Steps

Following are the four steps, along with more detailed information about each one of them.

Step One: Understand the problem

Step Two: Make a Plan

Step Three: Implement the plan

Step Four: Revise and reflect, looking back on what you’ve done

Each of these four steps can be described in more detail as follows:

Understand the problem

What are you trying to find or show? Do you understand all the words used in stating the problem? What data is given? What limiting conditions must be worked around? Can you explain the question to someone else? Try to state the problem another way.

Make a Plan

Draw a picture or diagram. Look for a pattern. Make a list. Use a table. Smart guess-and-check, keeping track of what you’ve tried. Solve a smaller similar problem. Work backwards.

Implement the plan

Using the work you’ve done so far now solve the problem and state the solution in complete sentences.

Revise and reflect, looking back on what you’ve done

If your plan doesn’t work, discard it and choose another. Recheck the result and arguments used. Does the answer make sense? If not, recheck the method and the calculations. Was there another way to solve this? Can you see that your solution is right? Can you get the result in a different way? Can you use this for another problem?


Let’s consider how we might apply this approach to solving a real-world problem of finding a good restaurant to go to with a friend you haven’t seen in some time.

Understand the problem

Consider any dietary constraints (Vegetarian? Gluten free? Drinks?). Think about how much you can afford for a meal like this, and what transportation is available to you (Public transit? Walk? Bike? Car?) how far away the restaurant is and when you need to get there. You probably want a place that is quiet enough to enable conversation.

Make a Plan

Consider how you can find answers to your constraints. One plan would be to use Yelp ( yelp.com ) to narrow down the restaurant. Google maps ( maps.google.com ) can help you compare options for how to get there. Choose the top 3 restaurants that are not too expensive, that are open for dinner, and are between where you and your friend live. Plan on sending these to your friend to see which they prefer.

Implement the plan

After the data is gathered, list the top choices and send them to your friend. Together choose the one you want, and go there.

Revise and reflect, looking back on what you’ve done

Once you arrive, if it is too noisy, leave and instead go to the next one on your list. After you eat there make note of the experience so you can consider going back there again or not. Remember anything you have learned about restaurant review sites and maps to help you solve a similar in the future.


Becoming a better problem solver can help us not only in Math classes, but in every-day thinking. The discipline of creating solutions using limited computer instructions is called programming. A step-by-step set of instructions is known as an algorithm. A recipe can be thought of as an algorithm for cooking a particular dish. The process of programming algorithms can be thought of as a “sandbox” for sharpening our general thinking skills.