Interesting Stuff

Use this page to add links that you find interesting related to computers in society. Keep it clean...

"You'll find the future wherever people are having the most fun" - Chris Anderson 7 min TED talk on how flutes connect to the development of computers. [thanks to Harsh Patel]

51% of respondents in a recent survey indicated that bad weather affects cloud computing. [Dale Reed, passed on by Dan Garcia]

Dance + Technology = iLuminate. Don't miss the comments at 2:55 [Dale Reed, passed on by Tanya Berger-Wolf]

------------------ Contents below this line from Spring 2014 ------------------

Check out this quantum computer video by Google! (Rafael Robles)

Programmers nightmare:

[Sok Bunny Cheng]

Flight of the concords, Binary solo...

[Rafael Robles]

Here is a cool clip visualizing various sorting algorithms [Filip Radzikowski]

Check out how robotic arms and large screens and projection can be used together to make moving virtual spaces.

[Dale Reed, passed on by Jeff Solin]

This is similar to what we were talking about in class involving high resolution photos. It's a pretty neat game, shows you a random place in the world using panoramic photos, and you have to guess where you are!

[Kara Easlick]

Cool Kara! I got 9263 points when I tried it. [Dale Reed]

Click to watch one of the most awesome or informative videos on video games.

[Osamudiamen Okundaye]

See this article in Slate about parents who have elected to post nothing about their daughter online, so she can choose her own identity in the future and not have a long trail of digital footprints.

[Dale Reed]

Give this Youtube Channel a Try. Vsauce takes random questions and really researches deep to answer the question.

For example:

Where Do Deleted Files Go?

Their other channels Vsauce2 and Vsauce3 talks more about video games and other random Tech stuff.

[Tricia Dacpano]

[Osamudiamen Okundaye]

[Adrian Hernandez] found this funny cartoon that relates to giving precise instructions:

Funny Cartoon