15. Portfolio Review

In your breakout groups choose one other student whose portfolio you will review. Make sure each group member is being reviewed by one other group member. If you happen to have three people in your group this would be a 3-way assignment of who is reviewing whom.

Answer the following questions for the portfolio of the student you are reviewing, using the google form linked at the bottom of this page to submit your answers.

  1. What is the name of the student you are reviewing, and what is the link to the student's online portfolio that you are reviewing?
  2. For each assignment 1 - 7 indicate whether it is present and complete.
  3. Which of the projects is the best in your opinion? Create a google doc and place in it a screen-shot of this best project, along with an explanation of what in particular makes it stand out to you. Upload this google doc.

Rubric & how to submit:

One point is given for each question shown above. There is no extra credit in today's lab.

Submit your answers and your google doc using this google form.