Labs, TA, Office Hrs

Lab Location & TA

Arpita Kumari

Pooja Vemu

Rishika Agarwal

Patricia Guera

Prof. Reed



Grading, Duties

- Lead Mon 11am lab, updating lab quiz and lab activity scores.

- Attend class, monitoring breakouts & participation.

- Updated Assignment 1, Assignment 2 scores

- Lead Mon 12noon lab, updating lab quiz and lab activity scores.

- Update class quiz scores

- Attend class, monitoring breakouts & participation.

- Updated Assignment 1, Assignment 2 scores

- Attend class, monitoring breakouts & participation.

- Grade Wednesday asynch participation essays.

- Grade Friday asynch essays for even-numbered weeks.

- Grade Assignment 3 onwards

- Attend class, monitoring breakouts & participation.

- Grade Monday asynch participation essays.

- Grade Friday asynch essays for odd-numbered weeks.

- Update schedule.

- Prepare class notes, activities & collaborative documents.

- Upload class videos






Made by Ryan Majzoub (Fall '20):

The Real Guardians

Labs will be held online using Blackboard Collaborate. Once you are in Blackboard, select the option "BB Collaborate", then select the session "CS 100 Labs"

Office Hours

Class times, Lab times and Office hours are shown below. Office hours will be held online using Blackboard Collaborate. Once you are in Blackboard, select the option "BB Collaborate", then select the session "CS 100 Office Hours"

CS 100 Office Hours


See your instructor or TA during their office hours, listed above.

Stop by the CS Department tutoring room, just off the main CS Department lab.

Thanks to many previous TAs for helping develop lab content: Brent Grossman, Abhinav Kumar, Nasim Mobasheri, Aditi Mallavarapu