Disclaimer: Many storytellers here shared vulnerable experiences, which might be triggering to some. Please see below for resources.

I Love You

Oscar Martinez

Muir College, Business Psychology

Digital Art

Growing up in a household of graffiti writers sparked my passion for art at a young age. This piece I created during my time away from home is a tribute to my roots and a message that I believe needs to be shared. 

We've all experienced moments of self-doubt and feelings of not loving ourselves. I personally struggled with these emotions before and after transferring to UCSD. Through my art, I aim to remind myself and others that we are loved. 

This piece represents just a small aspect of the larger conversation I hope to have through my art about self-love and acceptance. I believe that by sharing my experiences and perspectives, I can inspire others to embrace their individuality and find self-confidence. 

During a challenging period in my life, I found peace in creating this piece of art. The difficulties I faced had a profound impact on my academics and motivation but focusing my attention and energy on this piece was therapeutic for me. It also allowed me to strengthen my bond with my parents, brothers, and cousins through more frequent phone calls. 

Expressing my emotions through art was especially crucial in this moment. Art has always been a powerful tool for me to process and communicate my feelings, and this piece was no exception. The act of creating it allowed me to channel my emotions in a positive and productive manner, leading to a sense of catharsis and healing. 

As a community college student, I often felt out of place in my classes, with the feeling that everyone around me understood the material while I fell behind. I struggled to find a quiet place to study and felt that I didn't have the support and resources that other students had. Growing up in a household where my parents only reached the level of elementary school made it challenging for them to guide me when it came to education. This created a sense of uncertainty and self-doubt in me, especially when I faced the demands of higher education after transferring to UCSD. These struggles and feelings of inadequacy were compounded by my belief that pursuing higher education was just a societal expectation, and not necessarily something that would bring me happiness. 

Despite these challenges, I found peace and expression through art. In my darkest moments, I turned to art to cope and escape. I would work on projects with my cousins, designing shirts and creating graffiti art, to channel my emotions and bring some joy into my life. 

Art has always been my source of comfort and self-discovery, helping me to realize my own potential and strengths despite my circumstances. It has also served as a way for me to connect with others and make a positive impact on the world.

I have had the privilege of creating powerful and meaningful basketball court murals in the past, and it always brings me great joy to hear from people who have been impacted by my art. One of my earliest projects was at Crete Academy, an elementary school, where I was asked to participate by my cousin. Our task was to commemorate the passing of Nipsey Hussle, a beloved musician and activist, and to honor his legacy in the Crenshaw community 

Crenshaw is a neighborhood with a rich history and a diverse population, but it is also a community that has faced numerous economic and social challenges. Our mural aimed to celebrate Nipsey's achievements and to inspire the young people of Crenshaw to follow in his footsteps. The mural was a true community effort, bringing people together to remember a young black man who had given back so much to the place he called home. 

By placing this mural at an elementary school, we gave the children of Crete Academy a powerful image to look up to. When they ask who Nipsey Hussle was, they can learn about his life and his contributions to the community. This mural serves as a reminder that no matter where you come from, you can make a difference and inspire change in your own neighborhood. Through art, we can create a sense of hope and inspiration for future generations. 

When I reflect on this mural, I remind myself that if I can accomplish creating such a substantial and impactful work of art for a community, then why can't I apply the same level of dedication to my studies? By linking the success I achieved in creating the mural to my academic pursuits, me and everyone else can motivate ourselves to strive for excellence in any area of our life. 

My goal is to create a mural at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). I believe that receiving this scholarship will provide me with the resources and opportunities to make this vision a reality. If awarded this scholarship, I will devote all its funding towards my passion for art. I want to inspire others to understand that higher education and pursuing one's passions are not mutually exclusive. Ultimately, the only barrier to achieving your dreams is yourself.