Mobile App

We were one of the pilot programs to develop the mobile platform for e-learning courses! The mobile platform uses the Moodle app to log in to the eXtension system. This is a free app available on both Apple and Android systems. 

Complete Courses Offline

You can download sections of the courses you are signed up in so that you can complete them offline. The app saves your progress and the next time your device is online you will receive credit for completing that section.

Setting up the Moodle App

Using the Moodle App, you will be able to access the eXtension learning courses offered by California 4-H. 

Search and enroll in a course

After you login to eXtension, to find a course Go to "Course Categories". DO NOT use the "Search" function or you will be taken out of eXtension.

Enrollment Keys

Each course offered by California 4-H has a unique enrollment key for each California county. Use your county's key to enroll in the course. This enrollment key gives California 4-H'ers free access to courses that the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program sells to other states.

Enrollment Keys are available on the Courses tab.

Selecting a course you are enrolled in

If you are enrolled in a course, you can easily access the course on the app. 

Working Offline

Download courses that you are enrolled in so you can complete them offline. Your progress will be recorded in the app. The next time your device is online you will receive credit for the section you completed.

Still need help? 

Submit a Support Ticket and let us know what you're having trouble with.