State Ambassador

The 4-H State Ambassador position is one of the highest service opportunities and recognition attainable in the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program.

2023-24 State Ambassador Team

2023-24 State Ambassadors 

Laurelyn Rosser, Orange County 

Benjamin Salters, San Joaquin County

Ashley Arana, Los Angeles County

Malia Sheaffer, Santa Clara County

Sanjana Badami, Alameda County

Tejas Billa, Santa Clara County

Michaela Beckman, Orange County

2023-24 State Ambassador Educational Platform 

By practicing the Three R’s of Resilience – Relax, Restore, and Reflect – we can develop resilience. With resilience, we can thrive in a changing world. Resilience is key to overcoming adversity, adapting to change, and managing stress. Setbacks are inevitable. Resilience helps us bounce back.

Apply to be a part of the
2024-25 State Ambassador team!

The State Ambassador Program has recognized high achieving 4-H'ers since 1940.

4-H State Ambassador team showing off their Bogs Boots.

State Ambassadors promoting the Bogs Boots campaign.

The California 4-H State Ambassador Program is represented by youth who are exceptional in their leadership and service to their communities and who can professionally represent the entire University of California 4-H Youth Development Program. 

The size of the 4-H State Ambassador team varies each year and is determined by the number of outstanding youth who apply. 

As a State Ambassador, you encourage leadership through education and service.


15 month commitment, May 1, 2024 thru August 31, 2025


Time Commitment

What do State Ambassadors do?

Become a stronger leader

The State Ambassador team makes an action plan to engage in the six leadership skills, or competencies: Advise, Advocate, Mentor, Plan, Promote and Teach.

Advance Positive Youth Development

As a team, adopt an educational platform that makes a statewide impact over the course of your term.

Help build support for 4-H

Build good relationships with people who support 4-H. Make sure our supporters feel appreciated.

Represent California 4-H

Represent California 4-H at different local, state and national events. Take part in public talks, workshops, and activities that help in developing leadership skills.

Provide the Youth Voice to improve the CA 4-H program

Participate in state Advisory Committees to identify needs in the 4-H program and develop recommendations for improvement 

Complete applications must be received by the State 4-H office no later than 8 am January 22, 2024.

Application Process

The California State 4-H Office coordinates the selection of candidates to ensure that a similar, fair and equitable process is followed.

Complete application includes:

References must include one from each of the following:

References may not be from family or fellow Ambassador candidates.

Please provide your references with the Reference Guidelines

In person Interview and Presentation

March 16, 2024, 12 pm to 5:30 pm**
Calfornia 4-H State Office in Davis, CA

**All applicants should save the date in anticipation of an invitation to advance to the interview phase. 

The interview will consist of several activities that will allow the interview panel to get to know you. The activities highlight your strengths and how you may contribute to the overall success of the team. 

Interview Presentation 

Special Accomodations 

Candidates who need accommodations to complete the application, essay or interview in the usual method should contact the California State 4-H Office for assistance.  

Criteria and Evaluation of Selection

In general, selection of California 4-H State Ambassadors will be based on evidence of the qualifications outlined in the California 4-H State Ambassador Position Description. The evaluation of candidates is based on the following:


For questions about the State Ambassador program, please contact Jenna at or 530-750-1336