Golden Clover Award

The Golden Clover Awards recognize outstanding achievements of members, volunteers, program staff, and groups within the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program.

2022 Golden Clover awardee-Nature Explorers Camp, Santa Clara County


*4-H academic staff are not eligible for individual Golden Clover Awards; they can only qualify as part of a group award.

We evaluate applications on how well the applicant meets the description of the category and overall participation within 4-H. The selection committee reserves the option of moving applications to another category if they feel it would be a better match. 

Golden Clover Award


We award Golden Clover Award winners a small cash award, a medallion and lapel pin (group recipients will be awarded lapel pins for every group member and one medallion per group). We will recognize award winners on the state 4-H website and through social media.

Application and Nomination Process

Nominations must be completed in one sitting. Please include the following:

Tip: Create the narrative in a Word document first and then copy and paste it into the nomination form. 

Nominators may upload up to three (3) URLs to supporting documents, video or audio files. 

Please have these materials ready before you fill out the nomination form.

Deadline: September 9, 2024

Golden Clover Award Categories

4-H Member of Excellence Award - Eligibility: Youth

4-H Member of Excellence Award

Eligibility: Youth

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a member for personal achievement and improvement, setting goals and completing them, excelling beyond expectations and overcoming hardships, and for outstanding and long-term contributions to the 4-H Youth Development Program.

Member Mentoring Award - Eligibility: Youth

Member Mentoring Award

Eligibility: Youth

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a member for changing the life of another youth in a positive manner.

Civic Engagement Award - Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups, Program Staff

Civic Engagement Award

Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups, Program Staff

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a member, volunteer, group and/or staff member for contributions that demonstrate living the definition of civic engagement; "Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference."

Beekeeping Award - Eligibility: Youth, Groups

Beekeeping Award

Eligibility: Youth, Groups

Sponsored by the California State Beekeepers Association

One member award or one group award may be given in this category for project work or special events related to beekeeping. The goals include: 

Learn more about the California State Beekeepers Association.

Collaboration & Outreach Awards - Eligibility: Youth, adult volunteers, Groups

Collaboration & Outreach Award

Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a member, volunteer and/or group for increased public awareness of the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program, involving new youth and adults in 4-H, reaching out to communities that have historically not benefited from 4-H, and creating partnerships with other youth development organizations.

Fundraising Award - Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups

Fundraising Award

Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a member, volunteer and/or group for efforts in fundraising for both financial and in-kind donations generated for local, county, and state levels. Recipients share methods and processes to raise funds and educate others in the fundraising process.

Innovative Ideas Award - Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups

Innovative Ideas Award

Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a member, volunteer and/or group for new, fresh and creative 4-H work at the local, county and state levels. Innovative 4-H work includes inventive educational activities, research ideas, service-learning projects and other activities.

Special Events and Activities - Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups

Special Events and Activities Award

Eligibility: Youth, Adult Volunteers, Groups

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a member and/or volunteer for individual leadership roles within 4-H camps, conferences, and trainings. This category is awarded to a group for outstanding educational events or activities that involve youth-adult partnerships in planning and delivery, reach a wide array of youth, and strive to meet local needs.

4-H Lifetime Achievement Award - Eligibility: Adult Volunteers

4-H Lifetime Achievement Award

Eligibility: Adult Volunteers

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to an adult volunteer who has dedicated a significant portion of their adult life to the 4-H program. Those awarded are outstanding volunteers who demonstrate significant, statewide, positive impact for 4-H youth. This award specifically recognizes volunteer contributions at the statewide level.

Volunteer Leader Mentoring Award - Eligibility: Adult Volunteers

Volunteer Leader Mentoring Award

Eligibility: Adult Volunteers

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a volunteer for being a trusted friend, counselor, or leader and changing the life of a peer or youth in a positive manner.

Emerging 4-H Leader Award - Eligibility: Adult Volunteers

Emerging 4-H Leader Award

Eligibility: Adult Volunteers

Sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

This category may be awarded to a volunteer with five or fewer years of excellent 4-H volunteer service in the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program.

Jack and Robert Clay Outdoor Adventure Award- Eligibility: Youth and Adult Volunteers

Jack and Robert Clay Outdoor Adventure Award

Eligibility: Youth and Adult Volunteers

Sponsored by the Friends of
Jack and Robert Clay

This category may be awarded to either a member or a volunteer for 4-H work in camping and outdoor adventures including camping, fishing, hiking, shooting sports, rafting, climbing, GIS/GPS, snow skiing, and others. This category also includes outstanding achievement, leadership, and promotion of outdoor adventures.

Jack Clay and his son, Robert, were enthusiastically involved in the 4-H camping and outdoor adventure projects as leader and junior leader in Alameda County. Following their tragic accidental death in September 1987, family and friends established this memorial. 

Robert Brownlee Science Award - Eligibility: Youth and Adult Volunteers

Robert Brownlee Science Award

Eligibility: Youth and Adult Volunteers

Sponsored by the Robert Brownlee Foundation

This category may be awarded to two members and one volunteer for utilizing science inquiry and experiential learning in 4-H work to help youth increase knowledge, skills and competencies and improve their attitudes about science. This category includes increasing science awareness and use in 4-H projects by testing predictions and making sense of observations.

The Robert Brownlee Foundation was established in 1987 to provide financial awards for creating and maintaining innovative programs for youth. Robert Brownlee (1942-1991) was a visionary, whose practical inventions were elegant solutions to complicated technical problems, and whose generosity continues to extend that vision to science education for young people. 

Ironstone Concours Service Dog Award - Eligibility Youth

Ironstone Concours Service Dog Award

Eligibility: Youth

Sponsored by the Ironstone Concours Foundation

The Ironstone Concours Foundation is proud that over the last decade it has contributed more than $500,000 to youth programs, which include state and local 4-H organizations This category may be awarded to 4-H members who have shown commitment, patience and outstanding work with service and guide dogs through 4-H.

Engaging Youth Award - Eligibility: Program Staff

Engaging Youth Award

Eligibility: Program Staff & 4-H Academics

This category is awarded to 4-H staff and academics who have worked in a staff team (2 or more people) to create a 4-H program, activity or event that has impact in multiple counties as evidenced by evaluation data and has potential for duplication throughout 4-H in California.

Staff Partnership Award-Eligibility: Program Staff

Staff Partnership Award

Eligibility: 4-H Staff

This category is awarded to 4-H staff who have created successful partnerships with 4-H volunteers, 4-H members and other community organizations.