Professional Learning Unit

EDU 900 (3)

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to write a culminating paper - Transforming Practice - reflecting on your journey throughout the Master of Education in Educational Studies (MES) program, particularly in relation to the broader concepts of leadership and school/educational improvement. The three sections of the paper are written in a supportive environment; using feedback from your instructor and peers, you will complete a number of drafts of your paper to achieve a high-quality finished product. 

Course Objectives

Throughout EDU 900, you will:
  • reflect on your graduate experience regarding your learning about leadership and school/educational improvement and your research conducted in the program;
  • reflect on the impact of your learning in the MES program and how your practice has been transformed;
  • share educational insights and discuss implications for educational practice;
  • provide and receive peer response that supports the development of a high-quality final paper


Examples will be provided via eClass by your instructor.