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The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (CMASTE) is a long-standing educational research and development centre that specializes in the synthesis of research, knowledge translation, and outreach. CMASTE is located at 367 Education Centre South.

The Centre for Research in Applied Measurement & Evaluation (CRAME) is a research-intensive centre in Educational Psychology in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. The central purpose of CRAME is to conduct high-quality research and provide outstanding research opportunities for graduate students. Their current areas of interest are described in more detail under the focal areas section of their website. CRAME is located on the 3rd Floor of Education North.

The Centre for Research for Teacher Education and Development (CRTED) was established in 1991 as a faculty-wide centre for research for teacher education and development. The Centre draws together diverse people, including graduate students from across campus, faculty, research assistants, principals, social workers, medical personnel, and teachers. CTRED is located at 633 Education South.

Faculty of Education Governance 

Faculty of Education graduate students are encouraged to participate in the governance of the Faculty. The experience builds professional relationships within the Faculty and allows students to be aware of and participate in Faculty decision-making.

Each Fall, the Faculty will invite students to nominate or allow their names to stand for election for the various councils and committees that graduate students serve on. An election will be held if there is more than one candidate. We encourage your participation in these decision-making settings.

Faculty of Education Graduate Student Associations 

The Library and Information Studies Students' Association (LISSA) represents all students enrolled in the School of Library and Information Studies' MLIS program at the University of Alberta. Students elect their own officers, with the presiding officers representing them at meetings of the School Council. LISSA acts as a liaison between students and faculty and facilitates student participation in a variety of academic, professional, and extracurricular activities.

Additional associations and organizations available to Library and Information Studies students are posted on the SLIS Website. 

The Professional Psychology Graduate Student Association (PPGSA) exists to offer useful services, to connect its diverse membership, and to advocate so that professional psychology students may enjoy an enriching and positive academic and clinical training experience. The PPGSA is for students in the Counselling Psychology (CP) and School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) programs at the University of Alberta.

The Students in Educational Psychology Graduate Student Association (SEPGSA) represents graduate students in the following programs: (i) Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science; (ii) Psychological Studies in Education; (iii) Special Education; (iv) Teaching English as a Second Language; and (v) Technology in Education Specialization. The SEP GSA is committed to working collaboratively with faculty, administration, and graduate students to ensure that current and future graduate students are fully supported throughout their studies.

The Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) is an organization run by graduate students and is their corporate voice on campus. Each department on campus has an elected graduate student representative to the Graduate Students’ Association. Activities of the GSA include providing student representation on university boards and committees, lobbying government bodies for improvements in education, and sponsoring research and employment symposia.

Links to the Indigenous Graduate Students' Association (IGSA) and the International Students' Association (ISA) pages are also provided. 

Visit the Bears Den for a directory of student groups and events.