Educational Policy Studies

EDPS 900 (3)

Course Description

The capping exercise is a ★3 culminating course for students in the course-based master's program. In this course, students are expected to demonstrate skills of inquiry, reflection and critique and reflect on learning from their graduate experience. 

Course Objectives

The capping exercise is to be an original, individually-produced product distinct from the products of other courses completed in a student’s graduate program. Given that students are expected to pursue an idea in all coursework, however, it is likely that much of the reading and thinking will have been started. 
In completing the capping exercise, students will:
  1. demonstrate skills of inquiry, reflection, and critique;
  2. reflect on learning from the graduate experience; and,
  3. conduct a research inquiry that may fall into one of the following categories: 
    • analysis of a work-based problem
    • critical literature review
    • scholarly paper
    • development of professional or organizational resources
    • evaluation of a program and/or policy 

General Expectations

Your success in the course is contingent upon excellence in the completion of a written document that follows the following guidelines:
  • Approx. 5000 words in length (20 pages, excluding references and appendices)
  • Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • Preliminary pages of the document include a title page, an abstract, and a table of contents 
  • Appropriate academic format and style, including references, which comply with APA 7 guidelines


On the University of Alberta Education & Research Archive (ERA), there is a collection of Educational Policy Studies MEd Capping Papers. You are encouraged to browse the database and explore submissions from past students. 

Submission to the Education and Research Archive (ERA)

After the successful completion of EDPS 900, students are encouraged to deposit their final project through the ERA system.