Kindergarten News 

2023- 2024

Welcome to Miss Brose's Kindergarten Class website!

We are so excited to welcome our students back for Trinity's 70th school year! 

On this website you will be able to find a recap of what we learned the previous week, upcoming important dates and reminders, homework assignments, and resources for parents such as the school calendar and handbook.

Thank you to all our Kindergarten families for connecting to ClassDojo! 

If you haven't checked out the class' page yet, it is a great place to see daily pictures and updates. You are also able to comment on pictures and send messages to me in the app. 

From the student view, your child can change how their monster looks, practice typing, draw digital images, and submit photos to me. 

Please keep in mind you do not have to opt into the paid portion of ClassDojo to do any of the things required for class. 

October 23rd - October 27th

We had so much fun dressing up for Red Ribbon Week and celebrating making healthy choices for our bodies.

Recap of what we learned last week:

Bible Study - We learned to story of "God Protects and Prepares Moses" from Exodus 2:1-22

            Central Truth - God sent Jesus to rescue us from din and death.

            Grade Level Truth - God protects and cares for us. He sent Jesus to be our Savior

ELA - We have wrapped up positional words and "grown up" names for lines. We will continue to use these skills but we have shifted our focus to letter names, letter sounds, and handwriting skills. Previously we practiced m, a, t, d, o, c, g, n and i. This week we worked on letters h, s, and f. We have listened for the letter sounds in words, talked about how our mouth looks and feels while we say the letter sounds, and have written the letters on handwriting paper to help us control the size and shape of the letters. This helps them to be more uniform. We also continued working on our "pinch and tuck" pencil hold.

Math -We began our study of shapes. We talked about the properties of a triangle, circle, and hexagon. We also worked to short shapes and classify shapes. 

We also continued working on counting and representing the amount with a number. We learned rhymes to help us remember how to write our numbers:

We did some extra art projects this week to decorate our classroom for fall. And we worked on our artwork that will be auctioned off at the Gala

Upcoming Important Dates and Reminders
