Week of Aug. 7th

As we ease back into the school year there is not a tic-tac-toe board this week but rather an assignment that may take a couple evenings to finish.

Students are asked to create an about me page! 

On a paper no larger than 12" x 12" please share things like their name, why it was given to them, what it means, some of their favorite things (like food, color, sport, game, etc.), or anything else that they would like the class to know about them! 

Feel free to encourage them to decorate their page however they feel best represents them. (stickers, drawings, pom poms, glitter, cut and paste...however creative you want to be!)

They will be sharing the page with their class next week. 

Please hand in completed page on Monday, August 14th

        - If you need a piece of paper to complete the assignment please do not hesitate to ask.