Coding Challenges

To help students and staff self-direct their coding learning, we have developed some activities including 'Coding Challenges'. They are designed to help users build confidence in their programming with various coding platforms.

If your students are successfully completing Coding Challenges, you may want to give them a special postcard that they can take home and share with their family. Click here for more information.

Scratch Jr

Technology Required:

  • Tablet (i.e., iPad) or Chromebook

  • Scratch Jr App (note: You cannot save projects in Chrome app)

Year One Challenges

Year Two Challenges


Educators: Create your free account by using this link.

NOTE: These challenges were created using Scratch 2.0. Currently Scratch is running 3.0. There is not a huge difference, but there might be some subtle changes. Challenges still give students a great ideas on what they can do in Scratch.

Technology Required:

  • Chromebook, Laptop, or Desktop (Scratch can be available offline.)

Year One Challenges Year Two Challenges Year Three Challenges

TLDSB Teacher-Created Challenges (Gr 4 - 2020/2021)

NOTE: Scratch can be changed to almost any language that you would like, i.e., French, Spanish, Syrian, German, ... To make this change, when you are in a program, click the world icon (beside File), and choose the appropriate language, such as French.


Technology Required

  • Chromebook, Laptopor Desktop

Link to Challenges

Dash & Dot

Technology Required

  • Dash and/or Dot

  • iPad

Link to Challenges


Technology Required

  • mBot

  • Laptop or Chromebook, preferably with Bluetooth

Link to Challenges

Makey Makey

Technology Required

  • Makey Makey kit

  • Laptop or Chromebook

Link to Activities

Makecode Arcade

Technology Required

  • Laptop or Chromebook

Link to Activities