Scratch Challenges Year One

NOTE: All all the Scratch Challenge Activities were created using Scratch 2.0. All blocks, however, are still present and with the same colours for Scratch 3.0.

โ€œIt wonโ€™t stop quacking and spinningโ€ Thanks @gkyfranzen for the awesome coding website and challenges to help us develop our problem solving skills this afternoon! @JDHodgsonES


Use Challenges with your students to help them build their coding skills using Scratch. This page is 'public' so you can choose to have students to go to this page and go through these Challenges as a class, small groups, pairs, or individually.

To celebrate the successful completion of coding challenges, you may want to send students home with a personalize congratulations postcard! Click here for more details.

Challenge #1

Basic skills within scratch will be covered, moving a sprite, adding sound, basic loops and use of directional keys.

Link to project used for video:

Challenge #2

Move two separate sprites with different keys on the keyboard.

Link to scratch project used in this video:

Challenge #3

Control two sprites with keys, if the sprite touches the sides of the maze or another sprite, use hit detection to get something to happen!!

Link to Scratch project used for video:

Link to maze template for Project:

Challenge #4

In this challenge, you will first learn about how to use variables to store strings of text (words). Then the challenge is to create a mad libs like story with the information collected and stored in the variables.

Link to project page that was used/made in video:

Challenge #5

After a quick review of variables, different ways to use numerical variables will be shown. The challenge: Click, Click, Click...WOW! You will have to make the sprite be clicked a certain number of times and then have different things happen/be done by the sprite!

To view the sample challenge, go to:

To see the project from the video go to:

Challenge #6

In this scratch challenge, you will need to find and fix the bugs or errors that Mr. Smith has made in his 5 projects. The bugs get progressively harder to find.

Studio of 5 Projects for Debugging:

Challenge #7

In this challenge you will first learn about broadcasts. Then, you have two choices for your challenge:

Choice #1: Make a conversation happen between two or more sprites using broadcasts. Use multiple broadcasts to have a back and forth conversation between the sprites.

Choice #2: When you click on a sprite, it broadcasts a message to all other sprites and they all do something (pixelate, change colour, say something, move, etc...). Each character should be clickable and cause something to happen to the other sprites.

Link to project page from video:

Challenge #8

Random numbers!! The challenge is to use a random number block to make a multiplication/division/addition/subtraction practice game.

Link to scratch project used to make video:

Challenge #9

In this challenge, you will use the "loudness" block and the "=" operator and the greater than and less than operators to change the colour, look, location or costume of the sprite. You can take it even farther and use it with in a game like I did here: To see the original project that was used to make the video look here:

Challenge #10

In this scratch challenge you will be making a choose your own adventure story. You will use "if" and "else if" conditional statements to make a story that can have many different endings. To help you plan your story, use the planner here: to help you organize your thinking. The link to the project that I build in the video is here:

Graphic Organizer for Challenge #10

Method 1

Method 2