Scratch Challenges Year Two

NOTE: All all the Scratch Challenge Activities were created using Scratch 2.0. All blocks, however, are still present and with the same colours for Scratch 3.0.


Use Challenges with your students to help them build their coding skills using Scratch. This page is 'public' so you can choose to have students to go to this page and go through these Challenges as a class, small groups, pairs, or individually.

To celebrate the successful completion of coding challenges, you may want to send students home with a personalize congratulations postcard! Click here for more details.

Challenge #1

Studio for Sharing finished work!

This is an extension of the coding challenge #1 for intermediate classes.

Use a cartesian plane to plan out your name and then draw it using the pen tool.

Challenge #2

Challenge #3

In this challenge, you will learn how to use the ask/answer blocks to ask a question and then use the variable blocks to store the answer. Your challenge: use these blocks to take a sprite on a tour to different locations in Canada! Share your completed work here:

Image credits:

PEI: (

Ontario: (

BC: (

Challenge #4

In this challenge, you will learn how to take a picture of yourself with a chromebook and then insert yourself into Scratch! Once your image has been inserted into Scratch, you will learn how to remove the background and start having some coding fun with the sprite of yourself in scratch. Share your completed work here:

Challenge #5

In this Scratch Challenge, we introduce the idea of "Parallelism" ~ two or more events happening at the same time as started by the same event ~ For example a Sprite Dance Party!!!. Students will code their project to have parallel events happening at the same time! Project used in video:

Challenge #6

In this Scratch Challenge, we will learn about broadcasting! Once you've watched the video, create a project that uses broadcasts to have two or more sprites tell a knock-knock joke. Share finished jokes right here:

Challenge #7

In this video we will learn about broadcasting AGAIN! Once you've watched the video, create a project that uses broadcasts to have two or more sprites do some dancing. Share finished projects right here:

Challenge #8

Code a magic 8 ball using the "pick random..." block! Have sprites move around the screen randomly, have random actions occur! Please share your finished projects here:

If students want to code all twenty magic 8 ball responses, there is a complete list.

Take this project to the next level with instructions to make an animated magic 8 ball (instructions are for Scratch version 1.4 but can easily be used for 2.0).

Challenge #9

In this scratch challenge, student will use the "video motion on this sprite" block! Use this block to "erase away" a sprite!

Challenge #10

In this challenge, you will bring together your learning from past challenges to build a multiplication game!