

Specific sequence of well-defined steps to accomplish a task, solve a problem or perform a calculation. When coding an algorithm with many components, it is sometimes helpful to start wth a flow chart.

An everyday example of an algorithm would be a recipe. For example, if you wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, you would follow the directions carefully in order to get the output that you are looking for.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements tells a program to do specific actions based on a true or false event.

if (a condition evaluates to True):

then do these things only for ‘True’


otherwise do these things only for ‘False’.

Watch this video to be entertained AND to learn more about Conditional Statements.

Nested Events

Nested in coding describes lines of code that performs a particular function, within a program that provides a broader function. An example of this would be to have lines of code within a loop.


A parameter is a named value provided as input to a function. Programs can become more flexible and efficient with the use of parameters. For example, coding a subprogram (i.e., function) that draws a square can be called up as many times as needed within the whole program. Watch the video on the right to learn more about this concept.


A computing platform or digital platform is the environment in which a piece of software is executed. For example, Scratch is a platform that students can program instructions and see the output of these instructions.


Is a step-by-step written outline of your code that you can gradually transcribe into the programming language.

Sequential Events

A set of instructions carried out one after another, usually top to bottom, or left to right on a screen.