Safeguarding and Child Protection
Miltoncross Academy aims to maintain the highest possible standards in all aspects of student safeguarding and well-being.
We are bound by Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges:
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Our staff are subject to the Safer Recruitment Process and are familiar with our Child Protection Policy. They receive regular safeguarding training and know-how to record any concerns and who to report to.
Our designated Safeguarding Officer is Ms H Forbes.
If you wish to email Ms Forbes, please use
You should receive a response within 24 hours.
For urgent situations, call the Police on 101 or Social Care using the most appropriate number from the Portsmouth City Council website:
The Deputy Safeguarding Officers are:
Mr J Mersey (,
Mrs M Hewitt (,
Ms M Cooper (;
Miss H Eustace (;
Mrs J Rose (
Miss P Southam (
The Safeguarding Link Governor is Ms K Dawkins.
The Miltoncross Academy Local Governing Board reviews all safety policies and procedures annually.
Please see the Useful Links section at the bottom of this page to find our Policies page.
Young Carers
Please click the link below to read our Young Carers Policy.
We've also provided links to helpful resources relating to Young Carers.
Countering Extremism and Terrorism
In light of recent events, the Prevent Duty designed to raise awareness, provide information and safeguard young people is more relevant than ever before.
Extremism and terrorism is an emotive subject, with many complex and contrasting ideologies. During tutor times our students are encouraged to discuss topics such as:
Global citizenship
Conflict resolution
Social justice
Values and perceptions
Human Rights
For more details, please click HERE.
Radicalisation & Extremism
For further information and advice, teachers, parents and schools leaders can access the new website - Educate Against Hate – created jointly by the Department for Education and the Home Office:
Useful Links
Miltoncross Academy does not have any links or commercial interest in any of the sites or apps listed above.