Student Voice

What is Student Voice?

Student Voice is a collaboration of students from across the houses all from a range of different backgrounds and year groups who gather together every fortnight, to discuss the priorities of the student body.

Student Voice is the process in which members of the Student Council work together with other students and staff to contribute to the development of the whole school. 

Students applied for these roles and were chosen by the HLT to represent a thorough cross section of the MX community.

We believe that having an efficient and effective Student Voice is an essential part of making our school a success. 

Our Vision 

"We are not just about smelly toilets"

Our current motto exists as “We’re not just about smelly toilets!” It is vital that the students of our school understand that whilst the materialistic needs of the school are important, they are not the only thing that we’re about.

Our vision is to encourage every member of our school community to have a say in the decisions regarding the school. A voice that speaks for everyone, from all regions of the school community, making positive changes that everybody wants, working collaboratively as a team, both staff and students together enabling us to flourish. 

Our Priorities

During our most recent meeting, we discussed some aims which we feel are essential for us to gain a better relationship within the school environment. These consist of:


A few weeks ago, all tutor groups were asked to decide what they thought were the main top five priorities for all students within the City of Portsmouth. You said:

For all the latest news, follow us mx_studentvoice.