Performing Arts

Performing Arts in Your World: 

It is our ambition in Performing Arts that by the end of Key Stage 3, all students will have developed key skills needed to create, perform, analyse and evaluate a diverse range of core elements from within the Performing Arts subject. This will enable students to have developed core transferable skills in which to use within a wider context, both within school and beyond. 

From Year 7, students will experience a range of styles and approaches to Performing Arts with opportunities for acting, singing and movement. Students are introduced to key practitioners in the arts as they begin to build core knowledge to support further learning. Progression of skill and knowledge spirals from year 7 across the key stage, enabling development of confident students, willing to step outside their comfort zone. Students begin with understanding core foundations such as character and the art of stagecraft, before ending the key stage with the skills needed to be able to independently and creatively work towards a brief. Close cross-curriculum links ensure that students are exposed to different viewpoints through Performing Arts on subjects they have studied elsewhere in the curriculum, such as carefully sequenced units which use historical context taught in the term after the subject has been taught in History, or the Island unit in Year 7 taught after the issues of identity and community had been explored in Religious Studies. 

Performing Arts is closely linked to the development of literacy. Speaking and listening skills are enhanced through drama strategies, role-play, improvisation and the exchange of ideas. Improvisation and story-telling will develop our students’ understanding of narrative structure and impact speaking and writing skills. Reading is central to our curriculum. 

Our curriculum supports the RSHE programme by developing important skills such as group and team working, resilience, empathy, independence, self- control, presentation skills and confidence in a safe, fun and supportive environment. We tackle issues such as Peer Pressure in conjunction with the PSHE taught curriculum, enabling students to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health or relationships. Our curriculum explicitly teaches the core values of “Work Hard, Be Kind, No excuses” by advocating active participation in performances. It also gives students an insight into the performing arts industry looking at a range of job roles and processes involved in developing professional work, supporting the Academy’s careers programme.  

At Key Stage 4, students can choose to study Performing Arts as one of their option subjects. If they do this then they will follow the BTEC Tech Awards in Performing Arts. This gives flexibility in the path students may take including Acting, dance or musical theatre. 

We provide students with opportunities to perform to peers and the general public, both in school and in professional venues, through activities such as Shakespeare Schools Festival. The annual whole school musical production provides the opportunity to perform in or contribute to the creative development of a large scale production. Community projects allow students more opportunity to work within the pathways and develop their performance experience to give them insight into working within the performing arts industry.