
Maths in Your World: 

At Miltoncross Academy we aim to make sure all our students become the very best mathematicians. We believe that every child can learn Mathematics when given the appropriate learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Our curriculum ensures that all students have the opportunity to master key mathematical content for their age and reflects the high expectations we have for all our children. Our practice will ensure that students understand the importance of deep understanding and do not equate success with just learning new procedures. We ensure that students remember concepts for the long term and this is achieved by ensuring we study these concepts in a variety of ways and revisit them regularly through recall and retrieval tasks. It is important for our students to think like and read like mathematicians rather than just doing the Maths. Students will interpret data, formula and understand the literacy demands of the subject and this is promoted by encouraging them to use mathematical language throughout their learning so they are able to apply this powerful knowledge beyond the classroom

In key stage 3 our year 7 students begin with a number sense and place value. This ensures that we have embedded all the key numeracy concepts that are required to access all areas of mathematical thinking. From this point on, all our key stage 3 students follow a learning journey that is sequenced to build on their prior knowledge, ensuring they have the opportunity to master the key concepts before moving on. We give students opportunities to talk and think through the Maths that they are learning and relate this to the wider world in real life contexts. Events such as Money Week support the Academy’s RSHE programme of ‘Dreams and goals’ by developing students’ understanding of core financial concepts which will affect their future selves

In key stage 4, we build upon the foundations that have been laid in key stage 3. In this key stage, we aim to increase student’s mathematical reasoning and ability to draw conclusions thus helping them make progress in interpreting and expressing mathematical information. Assessment takes place regularly both formally and informally and it’s designed to reflect the GCSE content. Techniques and concepts are not merely tested in isolation, but in tandem with previous study which enables students to commit their learning to long term memory. The progression of skill and knowledge is evident throughout and regular interleaving of topics helps support learning. This is a vital process in ensuring they are equipped to achieve their full potential.