Who To Contact

All of the people listed on this page can be reached by calling the main school Reception number: 02392 738 022.

Be sure to say to the receptionist who it is you are looking to call and they will put you through to their line where you will either be able to speak to them directly, or leave them a message for them to be able to call you back.

Please keep in mind, a lot of the staff members on this page are also teaching staff and are therefore often unanavailable for an immediate callback. 

We appreciate your patience.

Whilst parents can recieve messages through the Arbor Parent Portal, they cannot send anything via it. Instead, parents are encouraged to email a member of staff or call main reception. Staff email addresses can be found on the Staff section of our website.


Business Manager

Year Teams / Pastoral and Welfare Officers

Head of Year / Deputy Head of Year

Pastoral and Welfare Officer

Head of Year / Deputy Head of Year

Pastoral and Welfare Officer

Head of Year / Deputy Head of Year

Pastoral and Welfare Officer

Head of Year / Deputy Head of Year

Pastoral and Welfare Officer

Head of Year / Deputy Head of Year

Pastoral and Welfare Officer