Bicep Curls

Bicep Curl Can Variation

Bicep Curl Band Variation

Bicep Curl Horizontal Variation

Bicep Curl Vertical Variation

Push Ups

Push Ups Wall Variation

Push Ups Modified Variation

Push Ups Standard Variation

Push Ups Exercise Ball Variation

Tricep Dips

Tricep Dips Knees Bent Variation

Tricep Dips

Tricep Dips Exercise Ball Variation

Tricep Dips Using Bars

Chin Ups

Chin Ups (Step #1)

Chin Ups Standard Variation (Step #2)

Chin Ups Band Variation (Step #2)

Chin Ups (Step #3)

Front Raises

Using Household Items

Using Tubing

Using Weights


Inchworms (Step #1 - Reach to Toes)

Inchworms (Step #2 - Walk Hands Into Plank Position)

Inchworms (Step #3 - Walk Hands Back Towards Feet)

Wrist Rollers

Wrist Rollers

Using a Household Object

Using a Weight

Bodyweight Tricep Extension

On Knees

On Toes

On Bench

Medicine Ball

Medicine Ball Aimed Throw

Medicine Ball Toss

Shoulder Shrugs

Shoulder Shrugs

Shoulder Shrugs Weighted Variation

Tricep Kickbacks

Tricep Kickbacks with Weights

Tricep Kickbacks with Alternative Weights

Reverse Crunch

Bent Leg - 90 Degrees

Straight Leg