HPE Safety Standards

Safety First

The primary responsibility for the care and safety of students rests with the School Board and its employees. An important aspect in fulfilling this role is to recognize that there is an element of risk in all physical activity and to take action accordingly. 

The Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines (Safety Guidelines) represent the minimum standards for risk management practice for schools boards. They focus the attention of teachers, intramural supervisors and coaches onto safe practices, in every activity, in order to minimize the element of risk. By implementing safe instructional practices, such as use of logical teaching progressions, as well as inclusion of age-appropriate activities in program preparations, planning and daily teaching, the educator will guard against foreseeable risks. It is hoped that through this implementation process, this document will assist educators in fulfilling their obligation to provide the safest possible environment in which all students, regardless of physical, mental, emotional abilities/challenges or cultural background, can be physically active.