AP Biology 

Grade 12: SBI4UP

Students enrolled in the Biology AP program cover the intensive AP curriculum.  Grade 11 AP and 12 AP Biology are designed to expose students to the regular Biology curriculum while providing them with enriched content and additional topics of exploration to prepare them to write the AP exam.  Four overarching themes are interwoven through the program: (1) Evolutionary theory, (2) Free energy in living systems, (3) Communication of information, and (4) Interactions in complex living systems.  This course covers first year, university level content.  As a result, the expectations for student effort and performance are exceptionally high.

Contact Ms. Czarnecka if you have any questions about the AP Biology program at SJOA. [

AP Chemistry 

Grade 12: SCH4UP

AP Chemistry combines aspects of the U-level Ontario curriculum with first year university chemistry.  Yes, this enriched program is a great way to prepare for a rigorous university program in this discipline!  This course is are not for the faint of heart; university level material and tests will be encountered.  However, the rewards are a far better understanding of the world around you, and better marks in university.  You will also learn how to operate as a university-level student, making the transition to college or university much easier.  It is recommended, though not required, that students take grade 9 & 10 Pre-AP Science, and grade 11 AP Chemistry as it is designed to emphasize the mathematical, thinking, and study skills critical to performing well in AP science courses. 

Contact Mr. Hoang if you have any questions about the AP Chemistry program at SJOA. [


Grade 12: SPH4UP

The grade 11 AP Physics and Grade 12 AP Physics courses will prepare students to write the AP Physics 1 exam as well as cover the Ontario curriculum to earn credit for grade 11 University Physics and Gr.12 University Physics.  AP Physics 1 is the equivalent to a first-semester university course in algebra-based physics.  Students cultivate their understanding of physics through classroom study, in-class activity, and hands-on, inquiry-based laboratory work as they explore concepts like systems, fields, force interactions, change, conservation, and waves.  The course is very intensive and requires serious independent study to complement the lectures and lab work.  Due to the complex division of curriculum, restrictions may apply. 

Contact Mr. Cellucci if you have any questions about the AP Physics program at SJOA. []