Grade 9 Focus - Prepping for Grade 10

Grade 9 Course Selection for Grade 10.pptx
Current Grade 9 Going Into Grafe 10 Course Selection 2425.docx
Parent_Guardian_Course_Selection_Approval_Guide Revised.docx

Frequently Asked Questions: Grade 10 Course Selection & Summer School 

What courses are available/offered in Summer School? 

Although we do not get the Summer School Flyer until May, usually most compulsory courses are offered.  Therefore, if you are reaching ahead, they should offer English, Math, Science, History and Careers & Civics.  However, we recommend taking stand-alone courses (History and Careers & Civics) if you are planning on  reaching ahead. However, we will not know exactly what will be offered in summer school until May. 

Upgrade vs New Course—what is the difference? 

If you have failed a course, you can choose to upgrade your mark provided that you achieved a minimum of  35% in the failed course, and provided that this course is being offered as an upgrade course. If you pass a  course, and you wish to upgrade, you will have to retake the entire course because “upgrade courses” are only  for students who have failed a course. 

Online or In-class? 

Traditionally, our Board offers both online and in-class courses; however, last year they offered almost all online courses. We suspect, although we do not know for sure, that Summer 2024 will also be online. If it is in-class, it  is usually just for the month of July. If you choose online, you will most likely get to choose whether you  would like the July Session or the August Session. 

Can I do more than one summer school course? 

Yes, in theory you can sign up for more than one summer school course (if you are choosing online). However,  the workload is very heavy (because it is condensed into one month), and doing two courses might be too  much.  Meet with your guidance counsellor if you are considering this option.

How long is Summer School? 

If the course is In-class, it usually only runs for the month of July—from 8:30-3:00, Monday to Friday. If the  course is Online, it will also run for one month—usually there is a July session and an August session. 

Are there courses available in French? 

Although the courses that are offered change every year, we have never seen Extended, Immersion, French  Religion, or French History offered in Summer School. Sometimes, they will offer gr10 Core French, although  they did not last summer. 

Do I still choose the course in myBlueprint if I intend to take it in the summer? 

If you are sure you will take the course in the summer, DO NOT choose the course in myBlueprint. Choose a  different course instead. This is because if you do take it in the summer, and want to switch your course after,  we might not have room in the course you wish to go into.  If you change your mind later on, let your counsellor know.

Coming out of de-streamed Math and English, what level should I take next year? 

The English and Math Department recommend going into Grade 10 Academic (ENG2D1 and MPM2D1) if you  have achieved 70% or higher in Grade 9 de-streamed. If you have achieved 50-69%, the recommendation is to  take Grade 10 Applied (ENG2P1 and MFM2P1). Please discuss these recommendations with your guidance counsellor if you have any concerns.