Grade 11 Focus - Prepping for Grade 12

Grade 11 Course Selection for Grade 12.pptx
Current Grade 11 Going into Grade 12 Course Selection.
Parent_Guardian_Course_Selection_Approval_Guide Revised.docx

Frequently Asked Questions: Grade 12 Course Selection, Summer School & Post Secondary  

Am I allowed a spare in grade 12? 

Yes, provided you have enough credits to graduate, you will be allowed to take one  spare each semester. Speak with your Guidance Counsellor to determine whether you  have enough credits to qualify for a spare next year. 

Do Colleges/Universities accept Summer School credits? 

Generally speaking, every single University and College will view summer school credits  the same as day school credits. However, there are a few University programs that  would like to see you take the required courses during day school. But there are very  few programs like that, so speak to your guidance counsellor when considering doing a  required course at summer school. 

Do Colleges/Universities look at my grade 11 marks? 

Universities do look at grade 11 marks, and they use these marks to determine early  acceptance in grade 12. However, it is important to keep in mind that while universities  do make early considerations based off of grade 11 marks, any offer they make is  conditional on completion of grade 12 with the same average.  

Colleges will look to grade 11 marks if the course that they require for your program  requires a grade 11 course. For example, Practical Nursing requires you to have SBI3C1  (gr11 College Biology), therefore they will look at the average for this course when  determining acceptance for that program. Therefore, whether you are planning on  going to University or College, please be aware that your gr11 marks matter. 

How many Mixed and University Courses should I take in grade 12? If you are planning on applying to University, you must take a minimum of six grade 12  University/Mixed courses, including pre-requisite courses. If you do not take this  minimum amount, you will not be eligible to apply to University. We recommend taking  one additional University/Mixed level course in case you need to drop a course in grade  12, or in case you do not do well in one of your six. If you are applying to College, there  is no minimum amount of Mixed/University courses you have to take; however, you  should do your research because requirements for College are very program specific, so  some programs might require specific courses be taken. 

Can I go to University without University level Math? 

Yes, you can—provided that you do not want to go to university for a program that requires Math. That is why it is important to do a bit of research now to determine if  any of the future programs you are considering require math. But generally speaking, if  you want to go to university for a program that does not require Math, you do not need  to choose Math at the university level. 

How do I apply to College and University? 

Every October, Guidance hosts assemblies about how to apply to College and  University. We encourage you to consult the resources from these presentations for course selection, to ensure that you have carefully selected the courses that you will need for the program[s] you are considering for post  secondary. To research programs and their requirements, please visit: and 

What do I need to Graduate? 

30 Credits—18 compulsory; 12 elective [4 of these must be RELIGION]

Successful completion of OSSLT 

40 Community Service hours 

*Please discuss any questions or concerns you have around graduation requirements  with your guidance counsellor.