AP Promo Flyer 2023.pdf


The Advanced Placement (AP) program is a university-readiness program designed for academically-inclined students and regulated by the College Board, a U.S. educational association focusing on post-secondary school readiness.

It allows students to pursue subject-specific interests at the university level of study. The program also leads to an opportunity to earn first-year university credits for each AP exam successfully written AP credits are recognized by all Canadian universities and by post-secondary institutions in over 60 countries around the world​.


The AP program goal is to deliver Congregated Advanced Placement content to eligible students and to provide opportunities for students to achieve Advanced Placement credits toward their university degree, while still in secondary school.​


Each year the AP program at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Academy grows, serving as a testament to its success. For those students who successfully complete external AP exams (with a minimum score of 4 or 5 on a point scale) they may, upon admission to university/college, be granted credit for a similar course. This can can lead to a savings of hundreds of dollars in tuition fees, and some institutions may use these scores to place first year students in higher level classes within their first semester. Furthermore, students who successfully complete AP courses are more likely to score higher in university courses than peers who did not take AP courses. Regardless of whether a student writes the exam, the fact that they will have completed the course is acknowledged on their official TCDSB Transcript and results in more favourable consideration by universities.  

AP Presentation - OPEN HOURSE - 2023.pptx

Benefits of Pre-AP


FAQs About the AP Program

Can I go into an AP class next year if I didn't take AP this year?  

There is no minimum average for students to remain in each AP course. However, in  order to be successful in the next grade, students do need a strong foundation in  course material. Final grades in the 80% and above range usually indicate that a  student will be successful in the next grade. If you would like to move into an AP course  without the AP foundation course, you must contact your guidance counsellor.  You will need your teacher to reach out to your guidance counsellor to talk a bit about your performance in the course and if they think AP would be a good fit for you.

Is there a minimum average required for students to remain in  each AP course as they move into the next grade?  

There is no minimum average for students to remain in each AP course. However, in  order to be successful in the next grade, students do need a strong foundation in  course material. Final grades in the 80% and above range usually indicate that a  student will be successful in the next grade.  

Can a student drop AP if they are struggling or want to switch out?  

We encourage students to stay in the program for its many benefits, however we do  want our students to succeed. A student expressing a desire to leave the AP program  should discuss their plan with AP Coordinators, Teachers, Guidance Counsellors and  Parents. If you want to choose the regular course for the following year, just choose the course at the level you want on myBlueprint. 

Can an AP student be on Sports Teams?  

Yes, AP students can balance their academics and co-curricular workload. Many of our  AP students participate in various aspects of school life. St. Joan of Arc boasts an impressive variety of teams and clubs. We pride ourselves on  supporting the interests and passions of all of our students. 

When do AP students write AP exams? 

Students enrolled in AP courses write the final AP exams for each course either in grade 12. These exams take place each May and are in addition to the regular exams in each subject. Students register and pay ( approx. $140) for each exam. Exams are marked externally. Students can present  their strong AP exam results to the university they are attending and be granted advanced standing in their first year.  

Will Taking AP be an advantage when I apply to university? 

Taking an AP course has many benefits. For you, it offers a chance to study a  subject you enjoy at an enriched level. If the university you are interested in offers advanced placement credit for AP exams (depending on the score), that  can be an advantage as well for you. Each university's website will have  information about their AP exam policy and how/if they award advanced  placement or credit. Please visit the websites of the schools which interest you to  read about their policies.

In terms of admissions though, it really depends. Your best bet is to contact the  admissions office of the schools you want to apply to or you can attend an open  house to ask that specific question. They can give you the most accurate answer  for that school's approach to AP courses. Another good option is to contact the  SJOA AP coordinators to discuss this.

AP Coordinator Contact Information

Ms. Simone: