Cooperative Education is a unique program for students, integrating academic study with practical experience in business and industry. This learning experience helps students make informed decisions about future work, careers and education. Students develop the work habits, attitudes and job skills necessary for a successful transition from school to the workplace or other post-secondary destinations.


 What is Cooperative Education?

How Does Cooperative Education Work?

A company agrees to provide a placement for a student and designates an employee to supervise the learning. A scheduled interview determines the student’s acceptance. Work schedules vary: (half, full, consecutive, alternate days, or summer). Learning opportunities at the placement are linked with a student’s academic studies, education plan, and personal goals and abilities through a Student Cooperative Education Learning Plan. The teacher, the student and the placement supervisor work together to design the learning plan. The teacher monitors regularly to assess student progress, with supervisor’s input and to promote successful student learning. Credit(s) are awarded upon successful completion of program expectations.


Central Cooperative Education placements in the Toronto Catholic District School Board 

Students may apply and interview for placement opportunities with:

How does Cooperative Education benefit students?

Cooperative Education gives students the opportunity to:

How does Cooperative Education help students meet Diploma requirements?

Cooperative Education credits may be used to meet up to two of the 18 compulsory credit requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Students must also earn 12 optional credits for the OSSD. There is no limit on the number of optional credits that may be earned through cooperative education courses.

Under the ministry-approved framework for the new Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) designation within the OSSD, students must earn a minimum of two cooperative education credits as one of the five required components of a SHSM. Cooperative education credits are also a required component of other specialized programs, such as school-to-work and school-to-apprenticeship (OYAP) programs. 

If you would like to take coop, please complete this form and submit it to your guidance counsellor:

CoOp Info Sheet.pdf