Our Kai Year 9/10

Create healthy and delicious kai using local produce. What food is unique to us as people of the Far North? Learn traditional Maori gathering processes and cooking techniques. At the same time learning food technology skills and cookery techniques.

Watch this video to get your instructions for the week

Week 2 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week starting Monday 20th April

Miss Cameron online for Google meet Tuesday 11.15 - 12.15pm

How to add a link

Watch this video to see how to add a link to a spreadsheet

Our kai presentation Year 9/10

Add links to your work in this spreadsheet in the highlighted section. This is due by Friday 24th April 3pm.

Work during the lockdown period -

Create - You are going to continue working on your presentation (this is your final project for this as your work in Food Tech ends this term and you will have a new technology subject in Term 2)

You will continue working on your presentation “Our Kai” You may present this however you like i.e. Google Slides, report, video, Powtoon animation, Google Draw, Poster (If you do Google Draw or poster form you may need to do multiple to cover all our learning)

In this presentation, you will share your learning about the following

  • Traditional Maori foods (what foods did Maori eat in the past, what do we eat now? What particular food/crops/animals were important to the Maori cuisine,) Seafood (pipi, tuatua, kina, oysters, paua, whitebait, tuna etc) animals (titi, huhu grubs etc) veggies and fruits (kumara, Fuschia berries, etc) herbs (horopito, kawakawa)
  • How did the Maori collect food? (hunting, gathering, picking, diving -see our previous work in these areas)
  • Local produce (what produce do we have local to us in the Far North. What do we have at school? -avocados, lettuce, mesclun, rocket, rosemary, basil, sage, parsley, coriander, thyme, mint, chillis, banana, fennel, apple) What do you have at home? What does Nana, Uncle, Aunty have growing at their home?)
  • Family food traditions and recipes (what are some recipes that are important to your family? Does Mum make a wicked seafood chowder/fry bread/apple pie?) Add photos too!

Please take your time with this and make sure you do some of your own research as well. Remember to put things into your own words, no copy and paste! Remember to keep this work in your shared folder but also email to Miss Cameron when you are finished

Thursday 19th March P2

Create - Today you are going to continue working on your presentation

Today you will continue working on your presentation “Our Kai” You may present this however you like i.e. Google Slides, report, video, Powtoon animation, Google Draw, Poster (If you do Google Draw or poster form you may need to do multiple to cover all our learning)

In this presentation, you will share your learning about the following

  • Traditional Maori foods (what foods did Maori eat in the past, what do we eat now? What particular food/crops/animals were important to the Maori cuisine,) Seafood (pipi, tuatua, kina, oysters, paua, whitebait, tuna etc) animals (titi, huhu grubs etc) veggies and fruits (kumara, Fuschia berries, etc) herbs (horopito, kawakawa)
  • How did the Maori collect food? (hunting, gathering, picking, diving -see our previous work in these areas)
  • Local produce (what produce do we have local to us in the Far North. What do we have at school? -avocados, lettuce, mesclun, rocket, rosemary, basil, sage, parsley, coriander, thyme, mint, chillis, banana, fennel, apple) What do you have at home? What does Nana, Uncle, Aunty have growing at their home?)
  • Family food traditions and recipes (what are some recipes that are important to your family? Does Mum make a wicked seafood chowder/fry bread/apple pie?) Add photos too!

Please take your time with this and make sure you do some of your own research as well. Remember to put things into your own words, no copy and paste!

Tuesday 17th March p2 and 3

Create - Today we are learning to make Rewana bread

  1. Rewana bread is made using a 'potato bug' which needs to be made 24 hours earlier. The Year 11 students have kindly made the potato bug for you yesterday so we are already to make the bread. You will need to get on to it quickly as the bread needs time to rise.
  2. You will come back at the start of lunch to put your bread in the oven.
  3. Come to Miss Cameron just before you go to the bus and your rewana bread will be ready to take home for dinner. Cut into slices and serve hot with butter, manuka honey or golden syrup.
  4. On Thursday you will make the 'potato bug' ready for the Year 8 class to make Rewana bread on Friday.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Thursday 12th March P2

Learn - Today we are learning about local seafood

Today you need to pick one local sea creature that we eat now or have eaten in the past. You are going to create an art work of your choice, drawing, felt tips, pastel etc. When you have finished your art work find 10 facts about your sea creature and a recipe. Facts could include:

  • size restrictions (The minimum legal size for harvesting black-foot pāua is 125mm (shell length) for most New Zealand waters. However, the minimum legal size for the recreational fishery around Taranaki is 85mm.)
  • amount you are allowed to collect
  • where do you find them
  • types of species
  • colours
  • any fun facts? (sharks do not have bones)


The most commonly eaten sea turtle meat comes from the green sea turtle. However, loggerheads, ridleys, and occasionally hawksbills and leatherbacks are also consumed by humans in various regions around the world.

Bluff Oyster

Around 10 million oysters are pulled from Foveaux Strait a season (quota dependent)


  • Kina are found all around the New Zealand coast in shallow water and down to 15 m. ...
  • Kina, (Evechinus chloroticus), is mainly herbivorous, feeding on large brown algae, red algae and encrusting substrate. ...
  • Kina have a nearly spherical test or shell which protects internal organs.

Tuesday 10th March p2 and 3

Create - Today we are going to be making chicken salad in a jar.

You will have a choice of 3 types of dressing and your own choice of veggies. Think about what flavours go together, what proteins can you add, rice, black beans, chick peas, noodles etc.

How do you pack a mason jar salad so it doesn’t get soggy?

The key to a good salad in a jar staying fresh all week long is the packing order. All you have to remember is one thing—keep the wet ingredients away from the greens. This means that things like salad dressing, chopped tomatoes, salsa, guacamole, etc. go to the bottom of the jar and greens go at the very top of the jar, with a buffer of other ingredients in the middle. That way, if you keep the jar upright, everything stays in its place. Not a soggy leaf of lettuce in sight!

Tuesday 3rd March P2 and 3 and continuing Thursday P2

Today we are learning about: traditional gathering processes

We will first be watching a show where Gordon Ramsey came to New Zealand to learn all about Maori culture

Watch this video of Gordon Ramsey coming to New Zealand to learn all about Maori traditional foods. Have a think about what we could serve when we do our hangi in week 10.

Gathering processes

Today we are going to focus on 3 gathering processes:

Kato - Picking

Ruku - Diving

Whakangau - Hunting

Kato - Picking

is the process of gathering kai such as puha, berries, plants, fungi etc. It is important to ensure that food is safe and edible to eat. for example the fruit of the poroporo which is poisonous when the fruit is green and edible when the skin has turned yellow and split open.

Ruku - Diving

Ruku refers to harvesting from the water sometimes it's only necessary to wade waist deep to collect pipi, tuatua, paua, sometimes it is necessary to dive

Whakangau - Hunting

Many of the traditional animals hunted are now protected the exception to this are titi which are harvested by local Maori on islands around Rakiura/Stewart Island. Titi is limited to harvesting in a limited season in order to ensure a sustainable resource.

Wild pigs, ducks, deer, rabbits and possums are among the animals hunted

Add to the 3 padlets below:

Create 3 DLO (digital learning objects) using google draw. 1 for each gathering process and describe the technique and the foods gathered

Tuesday 3rd March P2 and 3

Today we are learning how to make Curried Kumara and Pumpkin Soup with Croutons

Before we begin cooking today we are going to go through a checklist of work that needs to be completed. Please carry on with any work that you know needs to be finished and Miss Cameron will call you up to go through the checklist and mark you off.

OK let's get cooking!

Today we are going to make a curried kumara soup with coconut cream. Please remember your hygiene rules fot the class and don't forget to fill in your reflection form when you are done.


Thursday 27th February P2

Today we are learning about traditional Maori foods and hunting and gathering processes

Today we are going to watch a video of when Gordon Ramsey came to New Zealand to learn all about traditional Maori foods. While you are watching have a think about what we could cook and serve in week 10 when we have a hangi. What food items could we have?

Wild pork, watercress salad, kumara, pumpkin, rewana bread, fry bread......

Tuesday 25th February P3 and 4

Today we are learning how to: make pear crumble with weetbix topping

Before we get started we need to go over the work completed so far. Please check that you have completed the following:

  • opened a google folder and named it (your name) year 9/10 food tech
  • fill in food reflection for fry bread and your veggie product
  • finish your fresh produce slideshow minimum 8 veggie or fruit

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Pear crumble

Pear crumble

Thursday 20th February P2 - Theory local produce

Today we are learning about local in season produce

Every week we are getting a vegetable and fruit delivery from local growers Mangatete Growers. Learning what is in season, when to grow it, the nutritional value and how to use fresh produce is a really important skill. today you're going to make a slideshow of each veggie. You need to include:

  • a photo
  • time of year it grows
  • a fun fact
  • varieties
  • a recipe on how you could use that item
  • nutritional information

Produce you could include: lettuce, zucchini, tomato, kumara, cucumber, plums, potato, beans, onion (what else can you think of that is in season now?

See an example of a slide below

Veggie slide show example

Tuesday 18th February P2 and 3 -Ok lets get cooking!

Today you will be making your own food item by choosing one of the in season vegetables we have available

  • cucumber
  • kumara
  • lettuce
  • capsicum
  • tomato
  • plum
  • zucchini

Using that item and what is in the cupboards you are going to make a poster advertising your product,takeaway packaging and finally your food item.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Thursday 13th February P2

Today we are learning to:

  1. describe characteristics of personal hygiene in a kitchen and identify why personal hygiene is important when handling food.
  2. identify hazards in a kitchen

-Before we get started we are going to go over class routines/expectations and 'mise en place'. Next we are going to compete in a Kahoot to see what what we remember

-Create a google folder named "(your name) Year 8 Our Kai" and share with Miss Cameron using the instructions below. This is where you will save all your work and reflection sheets.

1) Personal Hygiene

Watch the following videos and take a look at the pictures and weblinks which outline personal hygiene in a commercial kitchen.

Create a poster, google slide, google draw (or visual representation of your choice) to outline what is important in personal hygiene in a kitchen and why. You must have at least 5 main points. Make sure you save this in your shared folder so Miss Cameron can see it.

Watch the "hand washing" video on this site

Quite an old video but it has some really important messages in here

This picture shows a kitchen scene with a number of hazards to food safety as a result of poor personal hygiene and habits. Can you name all 6?

2) Identify hazards in a kitchen

Watch this clip and identify all the hazards. Next with a friend or more recreate a hazard in the cooking room and take a photo or short video clip. Save it to your Food Tech folder and email it to Miss Cameron also.

Tuesday 11th February P2 and 3 (Practical)

Ok let's get cooking!

Today we are going to make Fry bread, you will need to do a process called "proofing" that is when you mix the yeast with warm water and sugar. After about 5-10 mins it should be foamy. If it is not foamy the yeast is not 'alive' and should not be used as your dough will not rise.

Keep an eye on time as you need to 'proof' the yeast and then let the dough rise for about 30-40 mins and then cut up and let rise again for about 15 mins.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product