Beautiful baking

Week 12 Term 2, Tuesday 30th June p4 and 5

Learn, create, share:

Hey guys this is your final week of Food Tech and I want to finish with some fun activities! On Friday we will be making some cookies and decorating with royal icing. Read the recipe below and watch the youtube clips on some ideas for decorating your cookies.

Your tasks for today are:

  1. Read the recipe below and watch the youtube clips on decorating cookies.
  2. Research some more ideas on how to decorate cookies and draw some designs that you might like to use on Friday. I have cookie cutters in the following shapes: gingerbread men, stars, hearts, xmas trees, circles (all in various sizes).
  3. Draw and colour in at least 3 different designs you would like to do on friday (you could use google draw or just use paper) You can collect paper and pens from my room but could you please make sure they are returned at the end of the day.
  4. Watch the youtube clip below on how to make a origami cookie bag and make at least 1. You can use A4 paper for a cute little one or A3 for a bigger one. Coloured A4 and A3 paper is in my office send 1-2 students to collect enough for the class. You need to have ingredients on the back of the bag and decorate the front. You will use these to take some cookies home for a loved one on Friday.
  5. Have fun see you on Friday!

Week 11 Term 2, Tuesday 23rd June p4 and 5

Learn, create, share:

Today you have 4 tasks to complete: (You may complete these in any order)

  1. On Friday we will be making chocolate eclairs. I will have a selection of different coloured icing to decorate your eclairs and I have passion fruit pulp which you could include in your eclairs. Please make a Google Draw of your eclair design. You must use Google Draw to create this.
  2. Make a box to take at least one eclair home to a family member. Use Youtube to find a box or carry bag you would like to make and send ONE or TWO runners from your class to the cooking room to get coloured card and felt tips etc for the class.
  3. Create a Kahoot based on what you know about baking or food we will have a go at playing your kahoot next week. See the links below on Kahoot. You could also use facts from Miss Cameron's Food Vocab Site.
  4. Baking word search (send ONE runner over to the cooking room to collect these for the class)

Week 9 Term 2, Tuesday 9th June 2020

Make a copy of the following Google Slide and fill in the pages

The pie factory

Week 8 Term 2, Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Make a copy of the following Google Slide and fill in the pages

Baking Cakes

Watch this video to get your instructions for this weeks tasks

Week 5 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week beginning Monday 11th May

Miss Cameron will be online for Google meet Tuesday 12.15pm

Check below to see the 2 tasks that needs to be completed this week.


Task 1: Read the Food and Heath powerpoint

and then answer the questions in the socrative quiz using link below and you will need to enter the roomname: cameron1752

Doughnut design task .pptx

Task 2: Design your own doughnut

Using the link below make your own copy of the Doughnut design Google Slides and fill in slides following the instructions on them

Week 4 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week beginning Monday 4th May

Miss Cameron will be online for Google meet Tuesday 12.15pm

Check below to see the task that needs to be completed this week.

Your task this week is to design and develop a cookie that is inspired by our identity as New Zealanders

Read through the Google slide below and fill in the pages. Click here to get your own editable copy of the google slide

The Cookie Factory

Watch this video to see you instructions for the week

Week 3 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week beginning Wednesday 29th April

Miss Cameron will be online for Google meet Friday 9.45-10.45am

Check below to see the 3 task that need to be completed this week.

Task 1: Personal Hygiene

Watch the following videos and take a look at the pictures and weblinks which outline personal hygiene in a commercial kitchen.

Create a poster, google slide, google draw (or visual representation of your choice) to outline what is important in personal hygiene in a kitchen and why. You must have at least 5 main points. Make sure you save this in your shared folder so Miss Cameron can see it.

Watch the "hand washing" video on this site

Quite an old video but it has some really important messages in here

Task 2: Identify hazards in a kitchen

Watch this clip and identify all the hazards. Create a poster using Google draw or Google docs outlining some hazards in a kitchen.

Task 3: Add something you have baked during lockdown to our collaborative padlet below: