Make it yourself

Let’s get crafty and make our own lip scrubs, face masks, bath bombs, soap, body scrub, lip balm, cleaning products, bath salts and finish the term with a crafty product of your own design.
Make it yourself presentations

Week 2 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week beginning Monday 20th April

Add a link to your presentation to the google sheet so Miss Cameron and your friends can see your work (or email 'it to Miss Cameron and she will add the link.

Your final task for our make it yourself short course is to finish your google slide presentation that you have been working on weekly

Your slide show should include a slide each for: lip scrub, face mask, body scrub, bath bombs, soap, origami, lip balm, home cleaner and your own choice project (We have not made home cleaner but I have added a link below which you could make at home. The final your own choice project can be anything you like, slime, hair mask, moisturiser, make your own book, sewing project etc you do not have to make it as ingredients and materials are hard to come by at the moment but just make the slide and add a recipe to it so we could use it in the future)

Each slide must include:

  • the product (i.e. lip balm)
  • the purpose of the product (lip balm is used to help keep your lips soft and moisturised, often contains sunscreen to prevent sunburn)
  • recipe or instructions on how to make it
  • photos of us making it (remember to use our Google photo album email Miss Cameron if you need help getting access to these photos)

When you have completed this please share with Miss Cameron. This is your only task as in Term 2 you will have a new short course subject with another teacher.

Bonus tasks:

No sew easter bunny

See the video link below. All you need is an old sock, some string, wool or ribbon, felt tips and scissors. I don't like using food fo crafts so try and find something else to use as the filling (scrunched up paper, an old pillow and use the filling from that, old clothes ripped in to shreds, a plastic bag scrunched up i.e. bread bags work well)

Origami bunny

See video below, all you need is paper.

Bunny pull and reveal card

See video below, you will need paper or card, scissors, glue and colouring in pencils or felt tips. You don't need to have coloured card just colour in paper. Tip if you don't have glue you can make it using flour and water see the link below you only need a small bit so just use a 1-2 tablespoons.

Wednesday 11th March P1 and 2

Create - Today we are making our own COLD PRESSED SOAP

Making cold pressed soap with lye (caustic soda) can be dangerous. You MUST follow Miss Cameron's instructions at all times.

First we will watch a couple of safety and instruction videos and then we will make a batch (or 2) together.

Remember always add the lye to the water!!! Never add the water to the lye

Back to Basics: Simple & Gentle Cold Process Soap.pdf

Friday 6th March P5 - Making Origami Decorations

Create - Today we are making our own little origami decorations to be attached to our handmade soaps

Miss Cameron has decided we will make our soap next Wednesday so we have a full 2 hours to do it and not rush. So toady we will be making origami decorations to be attached to our soap bars after they have been wrapped in tissue. Take a look at some of these ideas or find your own online.

Wednesday 4th March P1 and 2

Today we are learning:

  1. How to make soap
  2. What was used to make soap in the past
  3. What ingredients can be used in soap and what are their benefits

Today you are going to research how to make soap, what was used to make soap in the past, what ingredients can be used in soap and what are their benefits.

Start with carrying on your slides for each week, make sure you use photos from our shared site and have a recipe, the purpose of the product you are making, a title and what worked or what didn't.

When you have finished your slides you need to research the above 3 learning intentions and then sign up to Powtoons to create a video on one of the 3 learning intentions.

Friday 21st February P5 - Making Sugar Body Scrubs

Create - Today we are making our own body scrub

Open up you hand made book or your google slide with your recipe and get making your body scrub. Make sure it is packaged neatly and be sure to leave it in the fridge when you are not using it so you don't get ants in the shower!

Wednesday 19th February P1 and 2

Today we are learning:

  1. What is a body scrub and how are they beneficial to our skin
  2. Create packaging and labeling for our body scrub

Today you are going to research what a body scrub is and how is it beneficial to your skin. create labels and ingredient lists for your body scrub and you will also need to make a box for your scrub to go in.

Friday 14th February P5 - Making natural face mask

Crack open your handmade book you made on Wednesday and pick a recipe to try out on yourself or your mates! Make sure you fill in your book so you have them ready to try out more at home

Wednesday 12th February 2020, P1 and 2

Today we are learning:

  1. How natural products can benefit our skin
  2. How to make a face mask out of everyday natural food items
  3. Create a booklet to store our natural beauty recipes

To start take a look at some of these face mask recipes: (keep track of any of your favourite ones so you can write the recipe in your handmade book at the end)

Natural ingredients can help protect against the sun and soothe irritated skin, so they are better for the skin overall as long as you choose the right products for your skin needs. Chemicals can cause breakouts and other skin irritation, and natural skin care products are gentler on the skin.

Fill in this google doc about how each natural food item might benefit our skin (you may need to do a bit of research online)

Watch this video and then see Miss Cameron to gather the items you need to create your own handmade book to put your natural face mask recipes in