Whanau feeds

Students will work with the teacher to plan, prepare and present meals for a family that are nutritious, tasty and low cost. Students will gain the following achievement standard: Achievement Standard 90957 version 3 Demonstrate understanding of societal influences on an individual’s food choices and well-being -5 credits Students will gain the following unit standard: 15921 : Prepare and cook a cake, a sponge and a batch of scones in the hospitality industry : Credits 3, Level 1

Week 2 Term 4, Monday 19th October

This term we will be doing our final unit standard 15921: Prepare and cook a cake, a sponge and a batch of scones.

Creating Aeration;

According to Recipetips.com aeration is defined as: The process of allowing air to be combined into ingredients to make them lighter and/or create more volume, which may also be referred to as aeration. For example, sifting flour removes lumps and adds air making the resulting flour and typically the food dish using the flour, lighter in texture and consistency.

  • Using the hand outs Miss Cameron has provided add slides on to the Google slide you created last week and outline the following aeration techniques:

  1. Rubbing in

  2. Folding in

  3. Sieving:

  4. Creaming:

  5. Whisking:

  6. Whisking to ribbon stage:

  7. Aeration with baking powder and baking soda:

  • Fill in this google doc:

  • Create your work plan for WEDNESDAY:

Week 1 Term 4, Monday 12th October

This term we will be doing our final unit standard 15921: Prepare and cook a cake, a sponge and a batch of scones.

Cakes, sponges and scones:

Below are some definitions of what is a cake, sponge and a scone and the differences between them. Read the links below and create a google doc, slide or padlet outlining the 5 things below:

  1. Start with of brainstorm of everything you know about cakes, sponges and scones already. (compare it with your friends and see if you can think of any more)

  2. Cakes (give a definition, what sizes/shapes do they come in typically, what flavours, what is the texture (dense, light, fluffy etc) do they have toppings/sauces/decorations etc, what raising agents are used, what are the typical ingredients?) Add links to at least 3 recipes.

  3. Sponges (give a definition, what sizes/shapes do they come in typically, what flavours, what is the texture (dense, light, fluffy etc) do they have toppings/sauces/decorations etc, what raising agents are used, what are the typical ingredients?) Add links to at least 3 recipes.

  4. Scones (give a definition, what sizes/shapes do they come in typically, what flavours, what is the texture (dense, light, fluffy etc) do they have toppings/sauces/decorations etc, what raising agents are used, what are the typical ingredients?) Add links to at least 3 recipes.

  5. Create a visual representation showing a scale of a cake, a sponge and a scone. Which is most dense (heavy), which is the least dense (light). Where would each item sit on the scale? Add links to at least 3 recipes.


There are 2 types of scones: sweet and savoury


Uses ingredients such as dates, cinnamon, orange, jam, chocolate, banana, sultanas etc


Uses ingredients such as tomato, cheese, herbs, parika, bacon, onion etc

The basic recipe for all scones is the same and different ingredients are added to make them sweet or savoury. Using this work plan template create a work plan for your practical assessment on Wednesday. You may bring in the extra ingredients to create a sweet or savoury scone. Use this recipe as the base recipe.

Week 9 Term 3, Wednesday 16th

If you have not finished your assessment please use this time to do so!!

Otherwise can you please make a picture book for the kindy kids using google slides and then you will add audio to it. It needs to be a cute little story for a kindy aged kid to read to teach them about 1 nutrient or vitamin. Use the links below to help you and watch the demonstration ones (they are science based)


  • We are making these for the kindy kids

  • needs to be at least 5 slides but no more than 10 slides

  • Make your own images using google draw or auto draw

  • Your story needs to include a simple explanation of 1 nutrient or vitamin (Omega 3, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A etc)

  • use Cloud Audio Recorder to record your audio

If you finish you can create a Kahoot ready for us next week. Anything to do with food. Use Miss Camerons Food Vocab site to get some ideas for question.

On Thursday we will be making Lolly cake during our 1 hour session.

Check out these audio books to give you an idea of what to create

Record audio

Create and share audio folder

Add audio

Week 6 Term 3, Monday 24 August P4 & 5

Learn, create, share:

Today we will continue our AS 90957 Presentations which are due this Friday ready for presenting next week.

Have a quick read through the handout below this will help you with selecting 'influences that affect food choices' for your case study. Please see Miss for any help and make sure your assignment is in your 11HOS- folder so I can view and comment on it.

The Factors That Influence Our Food Choices

Week 5 Term 3, Monday 17th August P4 & 5

Learn, create, share:

Today we will check our case studies and start on our Assessment Task:

Select an individual (real or imaginary) as the subject for this assessment task. This may be someone you know (for example, a friend or a family member), or you may like to create a profile for an imaginary individual such as a sports hero.

Write a case study for the individual that describes their food choices and behaviours in day-to-day life. Include information about:




-income (if applicable)

-physical activities

-leisure activities

-living arrangements

-likes and dislikes.

Food Tech 1.2.pdf
Exemplar comment for AS 90957

Week 4 Term 3, Monday 10th August P4 & 5

Learn, create, share:

Today we will working on our 'case studies' for AS90957: Demonstrate understanding of societal influences on an individual’s food choices and well-being

For your 'case study' you must:

Select an individual (real or imaginary) as the subject for this assessment task. This may be someone you know (for example, a friend or a family member), or you may like to create a profile for an imaginary individual such as a sports hero.

Write a case study for the individual that describes their food choices and behaviours in day-to-day life. Include information about:





physical activities

leisure activities

living arrangements

likes and dislikes.

Add as much detail as possible! The more detail you add the easier the next step of outlining how societal and interpersonal influences affect food choices will be.

Use the following as an example:

Sophie is a 34-year-old solo mother of two: Sapphire, age 12, and Jilaina, age 10.

Due to the current economic climate she now works a 30-hour week, a decrease from 40 hours a week. Before she reduced her hours, Sophie relied heavily on convenience and fast foods as they were quick, easy and accepted without conflict by her two girls. Now, with less money available and more time to prepare food, she has realised there is money to be saved by cooking foods that she grew up with. She found a recipe book that she inherited from her Grandmother and has rediscovered old favourites such as Meat Loaf, Cottage Pie, Fish Pie, Rissoles, Toad in the Hole, and Savoury Mince.

At first the girls were resistant to the change in their eating patterns. Sophie has included them in the planning of the meals and meal times are happier occasions again. Neither of the girls enjoys vegetables.

The family has started going to the local market on a Saturday to buy fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the grower, for the first half of the week. Once they run out, Sophie uses frozen vegetables.

Sophie has made friends with her neighbour who is a keen gardener. They often chat over the fence. The neighbour has had an abundant crop of tomatoes and has given Sophie a large box of them.

After dinner, once the girls are settled, she enjoys putting her feet up and watching a couple of hours of television before going to bed around 10.30pm.

Every weekend during the rugby season, Sophie invites a few friends over to watch the game. Previously they would order takeaways, but now they enjoy a pot luck dinner.

Week 3 Term 3, Wednesday 5th August p3 and 4

Learn, create, share:

Today we will be making Whaea Margarets Red Velvet Cupcakes

Margarets Red Velvet Cake

Week 2 Term 3, Monday 27th July p4 and 5

Learn, create, share:

Today we will learn about how interpersonal and societal influences affect your food choices and well being:

What are interpersonal influences?

Interpersonal influences on well-being are factors that occur through the interaction between an individual and others. A young person is often heavily influenced by parents who act as role models and their desire to fit in with their peer group. As a result, the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of significant others around them can have a major influence on their food choices and well-being.

  • Interpersonal influences could include peers, friends, family, whanau, neighbours...

  • influences could involve food gathering, selection, preparation methods and cooking

Task one: Create a google draw, outline some interpersonal influences on your own food choices

Place an image of yourself in the middle and around it outline at least 5 interpersonal influences and how they affect your attitudes/behaviours towards food and your own food choices

For example: My parents and sisters are a big interpersonal influence on my own food choices. We lived overseas in Indonesia for a while and my parents have owned 3 restaurants now. During our time in Indonesia we ate everything fresh with different spices and herbs etc nothing was cooked from a packet. These influences were encouraged by my parents and carried on when we returned to New Zealand. We as whole family learned to cook a lot of asian style food and spices etc. We (me and my sisters) were taught to cook and experiment with food especially asian styles (dumplings, curries, chilli oils, kimchi, stir frys). This has affected my own food choices now in the following ways:

  1. I cook a lot, very rarely get take aways and enjoy a lot of asian or asian fusion dishes

  2. I experiment with food and always use up whats in season and in the fridge spicing it up with spices/seasonings etc

  3. I prefer to make a lot of things from scratch rather than use packet or jar mixes. i.e. butter chicken from scratch not a packet or a jar, make my own chilli oils and kimchi, sauerkraut, relishes etc

Task two: Fill in this google doc about societal influences on food choices

Societal influences on food choices

Week 1 Term 3, Monday 20th July p4 and 5

Learn, create, share:

Today we will go over the Achievement Standard that we will be starting with this term:

Achievement Standard 90957 version 3

Demonstrate understanding of societal influences on an individual’s food choices and well-being -5 credits

AS 90957 demonstrate understanding of societal influences on an individuals food choices and well being

Task one: Create a list of possible interpersonal and societal influences that affect food choices and well-being

With the group at your table you have 10minutse to write down as many as you can think off. We are going to go around the class and share, any you do not have on your list that another group calls out please add to your list.

Task two: Practice scenario:

Jamie is a 39 year old single Mum of 6 children. She is very busy running around dropping off the kids at different schools, sports practises, school events and kindy etc. She has eczema which sometimes affects what she can and can't eat. She is on the benefit as she is still at home with the youngest Grace but sometimes does housecleaning for her parents for some extra money. Blaze is 18 years old and works full time in his Grandparents' restaurant/bar. He is often not home for dinner and gets fed at work lunch and dinner most days. Blaze often contributes money to his Mum in the form of board usually $120-$150 a week. Maddison is 16 and plays volleyball and basketball, Seth is 14 and plays rugby and often bikes to school, Van is 12 and loves fortnite, playing rugby and going out on his friends boat fishing and diving. Jackson is 7 and does not enjoy sports, he likes to play with his little sister and watch Disney channel and youtube. Grace is 4, loves dolls and yoga and goes to kindy 3 days a week. The kindy supplies morning tea but she has to take lunch with her. The kindy has a healthy foods only rule (i.e. no lollies, chips, cookies, cake etc) and a no peanut or egg rule due to other kids allergies.

Jamie has $250 to do the grocery shopping this week and needs dinners, breakfast and lunches for all kids. She already has some staples in the cupboard: flour, sugar, tea, coffee, oil, salt, pepper, mixed herbs, curry powder, garlic, onion, bag of rice, bag of pasta, 2 cans tomatoes and a 12 pack eggs.

You need to create a menu plan for the week for Jamie and her kids, shop online using any site you like see the links below: You can use Google slides, docs or sheets. You must include shopping list, exact prices and daily menu for the week including lunches for the kids.

The twist: see Miss Cameron and you will pick a card out of a hat which has one of the following scenarios on it that will affect your plan:

  1. Jamie has $20 missing from her purse

  2. Blaze paid Jamie $120 board today

  3. Grace is allergic to dairy

  4. Jamie is testing out a new diet for her eczema and can't eat any dairy

  5. Maddison needs $40 for her Volleyball break up dinner celebration this week

  6. Jamie did some cleaning at her parents and got paid $60 cash today

  7. Van needs $20 for a class trip this week

  8. Van went fishing with his mate and has brought back 3 large snappers and a crayfish

  9. Jackson has an invite to a birthday party this weekend and needs a birthday present for a 7 year old boy

  10. Seth needs to pay a $50 deposit this week for his rugby fees

  11. When Jamie drops Grace off at kindy this week they have asked her to pay $40 in overdue fees

  12. Jamie's Dad has sent Blaze home with a 4kg roll of slice your own sirloin steak from work

  13. Jamie has received a tax refund of $112 this week

  14. Maddison's bus card needs topping up $12 this week

  15. Jamie's car needs a new headlight bulb it costs $20 from auto electrical and Blaze will install it for her

  16. The neighbour has given Jamie 2 large lettuces, half a dozen large tomatoes and half a dozen large zucchinis

  17. Jamie brought a $2 scratchie and has won $50

  18. Blaze paid Jamie $150 board this week

  19. Jackson has a school trip this week which costs $30

  20. The fridge broke and it's going to cost $100 to fix it