Street Food

Week 9 Term 3, Tuesday 15th

Today you need to continue working on your google slide kids books with audio


  • We are making these for the kindy kids

  • needs to be at least 5 slides but no more than 10 slides

  • Make your own images using google draw or auto draw

  • Your story needs to include a simple explanation of 1 nutrient or vitamin (Omega 3, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A etc)

  • use Cloud Audio Recorder to record your audio

If you finish you can create a Kahoot ready for us next week. Anything to do with food. Use Miss Camerons Food Vocab site to get some ideas for question

Check out these audio books to give you an idea of what to create

Record audio

Create and share audio folder

Add audio

Week 8 Term 3, Tuesday 8th September

This week we are learning to make Empanadas

You need to make a google slide with

  1. Title page

  2. What are empandas? Facts and information, what country do they come from?

  3. Empanada recipe

  4. Pick 3 ingredients from empanadas and give me some nutritional information about them. Why are they good/not good for our bodies?

  5. Make some kind of packaging for your empanadas

Best Google slide by morning tea wins a prize, See the links below to help you get started

Week 5 Term 3, Tuesday 18th August p3 and 4 (theory)

Today we are learning about: Soft Tacos

You need to create a slide show presentation containign the following:

  1. Title page: Soft tacos

  2. Where do they originate from?

  3. Recipe

  4. Shopping list for me

  5. Design a food truck (see Miss for print outs)

Week 3 Term 3, Tuesday 4th August p3 and 4 (Practical)

Today we are making Khachapuri (Georgian cheese bread topped with and egg)

We will use this pizza dough as our base and it will make 2 large breads. The cheese mixture inside we will use a mix of ricotta cheese which we made last week and colby cheese. Add salt, pepper and any fresh or dried herbs to your own liking.

Week 2 Term 3,

This week we will be making American Hotdogs

Week 1 Term 3, Tuesday 21st July (Theory)

Today we are learning to:

  1. describe characteristics of personal hygiene in a kitchen and identify why personal hygiene is important when handling food.

  2. identify hazards in a kitchen

-Before we get started we are going to go over class routines/expectations and 'mise en place'. Next we are going to compete in a Kahoot to see what what we remember

-Create a google folder named "(your name) Year 8 Our Kai" and share with Miss Cameron using the instructions below. This is where you will save all your work and reflection sheets.

1) Personal Hygiene

Watch the following videos and take a look at the pictures and weblinks which outline personal hygiene in a commercial kitchen.

Create a poster, google slide, google draw (or visual representation of your choice) to outline what is important in personal hygiene in a kitchen and why. You must have at least 5 main points. Make sure you save this in your shared folder so Miss Cameron can see it.

Watch the "hand washing" video on this site

Quite an old video but it has some really important messages in here

This picture shows a kitchen scene with a number of hazards to food safety as a result of poor personal hygiene and habits. Can you name all 6?