Master Chef Mystery Box Year 9/10

Week 7 Term 4, Thursday 26th November

Next Tuesday we will be making Pizza in our new Pizza Oven. Complete the google slide and make the pizza sauce, store it in a labeled jar in the fridge ready for Tuesday.

There are some links below that may help you with your slides.

Pizza- Master Chef Week 7

Week 6 Term 4, Thursday 19th November

This weeks challenge you will be given

  1. 1 packet of pasta

  2. 1 onion

  3. 1 can of tomatoes

Your challenge is to make an exciting tasty meal for at least 4 people using these ingredients and any basics from the pantry. You may bring i any ingredients from home but they must not be already at home (noone is allowed to buy any new ingredients!) the point its to cook on a budget using what you already have. (leftover veggies, herbs from the garden, spare meat in the freezer, cheese in the fridge etc)