Pizza oven

-Students will work together with the teacher and external support to build a pizza oven in between the cooking room and woodwork room. Students will then gain the following achievement standard by preparing foods cooked in the pizza oven:AS90956 Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs -5 credits And the following unit standards:19770 : Prepare and present egg and cheese dishes in the hospitality industry : Credits 3, Level 115901 : Prepare and present fruit and vegetables in the hospitality industry : Credits 3, Level 1

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Week 12 Term 2, Monday 29th June 2020

Learn, create, share:

Food truck challenge

Well done everyone who has handed in all their work! If You have an email from me or think there is something you have not completed properly please come see me in the cooking room today.

Follow the instruction below on the google slide for our Food truck challenge this week. Be creative and I look forward to Wednesday!

Food Truck Challenge Year 11

Week 11 Term 2, Monday 22nd June p4 and 5

Learn, create, share:

Today is the final day to finish you AS90956 this is due at 3pm TODAY and needs to be emailed to

You will have a reliever today but I will be in to check up on how you are all doing. Remember there are 3 parts to this achievement standard:

  1. Food plan (remember to include quantities and serving sizes) see the example in the google slide below
  2. Practical- Making your main meal (You have all completed this but make sure you have completed your evaluation form completely! Don't forget dates, title, ingredients etc. This is an assessment make sure you have put your words in to sentences, checked spelling, capital letters etc
  3. Justification of choices - this is important!! I would expect at least 2 paragraphs see slide 10 of the slide below to guide you and use the handouts I have given you.

Food plan template


Week 9 Term 2, Monday 8th June p4 and 5

Learn, create, share:

Today you need to start with filling in this assessment task for our US19770. When you have finished that please continue with your AS90956 Food Plan. You must hand into Miss Cameron today your exact recipe for the practical task of our assessment which we will complete on Wednesday 17th June (main meal from your food plan mince or chicken will be supplied)

Food plan template


Week 8 Term 2, Wednesday 3rd June P 3 and 4

Learn, create, share:

Today we will be making vege stirfry with jasmine rice. We have been learning about nutrition and this is a great easy meal you could add to your food plan for your assessment. This stirfry would cover about 2 serves of veggies and 2 serves of breads and cereals (rice) for the day. You could also add a serving of meat to this meal. Stirfrys are cheap, fast and easy to make! Stirfrys are amazing as they can be adjusted to the tastes of anyone. Add your own choice of flavourings (garlic, ginger, soy, sesame oil, chilli, coriander, fish sauce, oyster sauce, chinese vinegar etc)

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Week 7, Term 2. Wednesday 27th May P3 and 4

Learn, create, share:

Today we will be making ice cream and fruit salad. Using the base recipe below you will make a condensed milk ice cream and adding banana or feijoa. You will make a individual fruit salad to accompany it. Make sure you fill in the reflection form when you have finished.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Condensed milk ice cream

Week 7, Term 2. Monday 25th May P4 and 5

This session we will be going over what is expected for our AS90956 Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs -5 credits


Watch this video to get your instructions for the week

Week 5 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week starting Monday 11th May

Miss Cameron will be online for -Google meets Wednesday 2pm

Read below for the tasks you need to complete this week

Task 1: Learning about Carbohydrates, Fats, Oils, and Lipids, Dietary Fibre, Protein and Water

Read the information on the graphic organisers below. After you have read them create a google draw or google slide with the key information on each.

Carbohydrates Knowledge Organiser.pdf
Fats Knowledge Organiser.pdf
Dietary Fibre Knowledge Organiser.pdf
Protein Knowledge Organiser.pdf
Water Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Task 2: Analyse the information from your 3 days of food tracking last week

Last week you were asked to track 3 days of eating and drinking. This week you need to fill in the nutrient details (as much as you can) use myfitnesspal app or use the website to help you fill in this information. Once you have the details filled in (i.e. carbs, fats, sugars, calories etc) I want you to make 5 statements about what you have learnt from your eating habits. Read the article "How much do I need to eat?" to help guide how much calories, fats etc you should be eating each day. Put your statement into a google doc in your shared folder

Week 4 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week starting Monday 4th May

Miss Cameron will be online for -Google meets Monday 12.15 and Thursday 1.15pm

Read below for the 2 tasks you need to complete this week

Task 1: Follow the TED ED lessons below

You will need to sign in and then follow the lessons. Watch the video and then answer the questions that follow.

Task 2: Keep a food diary for at least 3 day

Use this template and keep a record of everything you eat and drink for at least 3 days. You will need this information for next weeks work. Try adding in foods you eat regularly to the food list and add in the information that you can (protein, carbs, sugar, fat and calories) try out the myfitnesspal app or use the website

Food Diary

Week 3 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week starting Wednesday 29th April

Miss Cameron online for -Google meets Wednesday 2pm- 3pm

This week we are going to begin work on our Achievement Standard 90956 - Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs

Begin by reading the standard below and some of the exemplars in this link. Spend this short week having a read through the standard, reading through some exemplars and have a think about how you might present this achievement standard. When you are ready you can start having a look through some of these websites on nutrition.

Miss Cameron is going to start setting up one on one meetings with some of you his week to go over the achievement standard and to catch up on any past work. Keep an eye on your emails please.


Watch this video to get your instructions for the week

Week 2 Term 2, 2020 online learning

Week starting Monday 20th April

Miss Cameron online for Google meets Monday 20th 12.15pm-1.15pm and Wednesday 2pm-3pm

Task 1: Complete presentations for quality indicators root vegetables and leafy green vegetables

All instructions for this are in last weeks section below. Make sure this is in your shared folder or you have emailed it to me this must be completed by this Friday

Task 2: Check the google spreadsheet below to check if you have completed all tasks for our Fruit and Veggie Unit Standard

Have a look at the spread sheet and see if you have completed all tasks. This must be done by Friday. If you have done cooking at home please fill in reflection sheets and get a parent or someone in your home to give a feedback comment. You need to have evidence of 2 fruit dishes and 2 Veggie dishes.

Make sure you add links in the spreadsheet to your work. Watch the video to see how to do this

Next week we will begin our AS90956 Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs -5 credits have a look at the link to get an idea of what we will be doing

How to add a link

Watch this video to see how to add a link to our class spreadsheet so Miss can tick off your tasks for our fruit and veggie unit standard

Prepare and present fruit and vegetables in the hospitality industry

Add links to your work in this spreadsheet in the highlighted sections

Tasks for week 1 Term 2 wed 15th April

You have the next week and a half to complete 2 presentations. You could use google slides, docs, draw, create a rap, video or create an animation it's up to you. Remember the key question is What are the quality indicators?

1. How to select leafy green vegetables

2. How to select quality root vegetables

What should their appearance be? Should they be crisp, clean, bright coloured? What colour should they be? What texture? Smell? Anything else? Below are some links to help you out. I expect at least 8 vegetables for each presentation. I have included a list of possible vegetables you could use and an example slide

Green leafy vegetables
Root vegetables

Leafy greens





micro greens




romaine lettuce


mustard seed



chinese cabbage

bok choy

Root vegetables

















Monday 23rd March, P4 and 5

Create - Today we are learning how to make Chicken Wonton Soup

  • You will need to split into 4 groups for this session today. Make your chicken filling mixtures and then fill your wontons using a folding method from the instructional videos below or see Miss Cameron to demonstrate. Enjoy!

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Chicken wonton soup

Monday 16th March, P4 and 5

Create - Today we are learning how to make zucchini fritters with a fresh tomato salsa (also you are going to make a 'potato bug' ready for the year 9/10 to make Rewana bread tomorrow)

  1. Today you are going to help the year 9/10 make Rewana bread by getting their 'potato bug' started for them today so it has 24 hours to ferment ready for tomorrow. Please start with this and then make your zucchini fritters. Thank you! Recipe below.
  2. With zucchinis in season this is the perfect way to use zucchinis to make a tasty, heathy, quick lunch or dinner. Add a fresh salad or coleslaw on the side or enjoy wedged between some fresh buttered bread, Yum! Below I have shared with you 2 quick easy toppings that go beautifully with zucchini or any other veggie fritters.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Wednesday 11th March P3 and 5

Learn - Today we are learning about:

  • Fruit preparation techniques
  • Prevention from browning

Before you move on to anything else check the spreadsheet below.

  • If your name is yellow you have completed the Unit Standard 19770 Prepare and present egg and cheese dishes.
  • If your name is orange you still have some things to complete
  • If your name is purple please come see me straight away
US 19770 assesment check list 2020 term 1

Using the hand out from last week make a google draw, slide or presentation of your choice to show your understandings of:

  • Fruit preparation techniques
  • Prevention from browning

When you have finished that you are to make a menu using Canva which is to include 3 entrees, 3 main meals, 2 side dishes and 3 desserts using veggies and fruits. Please add links to the recipes as well.

Monday 9th March, P4 and 5

Create - Today we are going to be making chicken salad in a jar.

You will have a choice of 3 types of dressing and your own choice of veggies. Think about what flavours go together, what proteins can you add, rice, black beans, chick peas, noodles etc.

How do you pack a mason jar salad so it doesn’t get soggy?

The key to a good salad in a jar staying fresh all week long is the packing order. All you have to remember is one thing—keep the wet ingredients away from the greens. This means that things like salad dressing, chopped tomatoes, salsa, guacamole, etc. go to the bottom of the jar and greens go at the very top of the jar, with a buffer of other ingredients in the middle. That way, if you keep the jar upright, everything stays in its place. Not a soggy leaf of lettuce in sight!

Wednesday 4th March P4 and 5

Learn - Today we are learning to:

Identify types of hard fruit

Identify types of soft fruit

Describe the signs of quality in:

-hard fruit

-soft fruit

When you have read the hand out on the above learning intentions you are then going to sign up to Powtoons to create a video sharing your learning.

Check out Powtoons tutorials


Check out this pizza oven design

Monday 2nd March P4 and 5

Before we cook today you have 1 FINAL period to catch up and complete any activities or reflection sheets for your 19770 : Prepare and present egg and cheese dishes in the hospitality industry

If you have completed this you will be designing what our pizza oven could look like on the outside. Check out these images for some ideas. Pizza ovens with mosaic designs

Ok let's get cooking!

Today we are learning how to make Creamy Chicken Carbonara

Carbonara is a traditional italian dish loved around to world for its creamy/salty flavour and is a classic comfort food. Traditional Carbonara is simply made using:

  • cured meat called Guanciale
  • whole egg
  • black pepper
  • pasta
  • Pecorino Romano cheese

Today we are going to make a version of carbonara we are probably more familiar with using cream, chicken and mushroom.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Check out Jamie Oliver's take on a classic carbonara which using whole egg, Guanciale, Pecorino and black pepper

Creamy Chicken, Mushroom Carbonara

Creamy Chicken Carbonara

Wednesday P3 and 5

Today we are learning:

  • how to properly store eggs
  • parts of the egg
  • selecting eggs
  • how to test for freshness

You are going to create a DLO (digital learning object) for each of the above. so 4 google draw projects in total. You need to put in into your own words. How would you explain the above if you were teaching someone else about egg storage/parts/selection/freshness.

By the end of today you must have everything on this spreadsheet completed so Miss Cameron can sign off your US19970 Prepare and present egg and cheese dishes in the hospitality industry.

Monday 24th February P4 and 5 -Practical - Vege quiche and coleslaw with condensed milk dressing

Today we are learning how to:

  1. Make a vege quiche using in season produce
  2. Make a coleslaw with condensed milk dressing

Cookery techniques we will use: frying, whisking, baking, choping, dicing

If you have not finished reflections for practicals you will need to complete them first BEFORE cooking today.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Vegetable quiche

Vegetable quiche

Make a small side of coleslaw using the ingredients in the fridge to serve with a slice of your quiche. (thinly sliced cabbage, grated carrot, apple, celery)

Serve 1 small slice and a small side of coleslaw to a staff member and get them to fill in the feedback form for you to add to your reflection sheet

Wednesday 19th February P3 and 5

Today we are learning:

  1. Cheese types and classification
  2. Egg structure and description

1. Cheese

Today you are going to make a slide show with 1 slide for each of the following cheeses:

  • Ricotta
  • Cheddar
  • Brie
  • Parmesan
  • Gorgonzola
  • Roquefort
  • Edam
  • Gouda
  • Feta
  • Cream cheese
  • Stilton
  • labneh

On each slide you need to have

  1. a description of the cheese
  2. picture
  3. type of cheese it is (ie soft, hard, blue etc)
  4. description of the consistency
  5. A recipe on how the cheese could be used

2. Egg structure and description

Using Strata Sculpt you are going to create a 3D egg. When you have finished take a screen shot and place it into google draw. Label your eggs with the following

  • Yolk
  • Chalaza (x2)
  • Thick white
  • Thin white
  • Shell membranes
  • Shell
  • Air cell
  • Yolk membrane

Fill in this google doc on parts of the egg description. We will go over the answers at the end of class. When you have finished see Miss Cameron for a crossword based on the egg terms and descriptions.

Week 3 Monday 17th February P4 and 5 practical - Eggs 3 ways

Learning intentions:

1.To prepare and present 3 eggs cooked in 3 different ways (1 poached, 1 soft boiled, 1 students choice (fried, scrambled, omelette)

Today you must prepare and present 3 eggs cooked in 3 different ways. You may work individually or in pairs. Watch the video demonstrations below before you begin. When you finish you need to take a photo of each egg and fill in 3 reflection sheets (1 for each egg type) save it to your cooking shared folder so Miss Cameron can see your work.

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product

Soft boiled egg (5 and a 1/2 mins)

How to poach an egg (use white vinegar not tarragon vinegar)

Week 2 Wednesday 12th February Periods 3 and 5 (theory)

Learning intentions:

1.To describe the history of pizza

2. Investigate how to make a pizza oven

3. Describe the basic process of cheese making using correct vocabulary

1) The history of pizza

Watch this youtube video and have a read of this website with some facts about the history of pizza. Have a web search yourself and see if you can find out any more facts about the history of Pizza. Next create a visual or written representation of your learning. You could use google draw, slides, create a rap, poem, cartoon its up to you (see the example below)

Example of visual representation of learning using google draw

2) Investigate how to make a pizza oven

Take a look at the trademe pizza oven kit set Miss Cameron has looked at for our pizza oven at school (although I want a bigger one so we can host a pizza evening for our whanau)

have a look online can you find anything else, can you find some youtube clips or online articles on how to make our own pizza oven. Add them to this collaborative Padlet below

3. Cheese making and cheese types

Read the handout from Miss Cameron on cheese making, types, consistency etc and then fill in the following Google doc

Week 2 Monday 10th February Periods 4 and 5 (Practical)

-Before we get started cooking we are going to go over class routines/expectations and 'mise en place'. Next we are going to compete in a Kahoot to see what what we remember

-Create a google folder named "(your name) Year 11 Pizza Oven" and share with Miss Cameron using the instructions below.

Inside this folder you will store all your work and reflection sheets for this course.

Ok lets get cooking!

Today you will be making your own pizza, you will need to start with making your pizza dough, pizza sauce and prep your toppings.

-Use this recipe from Annabel Langbein to make your pizza dough. Write it in your book and copy and paste it into your digital cookbook google slide.

-Pizza sauce (make this while your dough is rising)

-Assemble your Pizza, roll or press your dough out to your desired thickness and place on your toppings starting with pizza sauce. Try to use the cheese sparingly, traditional pizzas do not have much cheese and we want to make our pizzas as healthy as possible. What vege/meat combinations will you use?

Share and reflect: Fill in this form after you have made and tasted your food product