The choice was made to make the time period more abstract, to avoid any appearance that Big Brother was a current politician. The focus was meant to be more symbolic than realistic and employed several screens projecting a live camera feed at times, in addition to prerecorded video messages from Big Brother and Goldstein. There was current technology such as cell phones, hoverboards, and tablets. The concept for the show was a rat cage. Obvious tie in with the end of the story, but also a statement on how the lack of privacy does lead toward a sense of entrapment.

Eric Flayton committed 110% in his portrayal of Winston. He even agreed to shave his head to allow for the scenes that take place in room 101 for him to be bald to help make him look more tortured and transformed. It was very disturbing watching him navigate those final monologues.

There has been a lot of news about privacy rights in relation to social media, Google, and Amazon, so the play is more relevant than ever.

cast and crew photos courtesy of Dan Rosenberg,