Little Shop Of Horrors

Como has often stated a rule of never repeating shows...but there are loopholes. Como had not directed Little Shop of Horrors at Chaparral. It had also been almost 10 years since he had staged the show, so it was easier to come at the show with a new vision. In order to help tell the story during some of the longer monologues songs like Dadoo, certain montages were recorded to help with the narrative. It also was decided to have the subtext of corporate take over, which is what the show is really about, be hinted at a little more strongly by creating a brand with Seymour as the logo for a made up company called Plantmart.

Justin Snyder was extremely helpful with engineering the turntable for the dentist's office and being a very strong crew head for the build. Alberto Allende was instrumental in helping the sound work by playing bass with the rest of the student jazz combo set up in front of the storefront for Eddie B's a made up jazz club.