Capturing Composition

Sharp Focus

Selective Focus

Soft Focus

Leading Lines

High Horizon Lines

Informal Balance

The subject of this work is taking an informal balance picture from a toy. I chose the frog because play good with the colours and it still look like it is a real one. I put the frog in a construction vehicle tire. I chose the tire because of his colour and his shape. The sun wasn’t blazing so I could take the picture with a little angel in the sun without having a high key lighting. That makes the colours more powerful.

The picture is an informal balance one because the weight is on the left side, the frog is sitting in the middle and the thing with that you blow up the tire. The blow up thing is a bit fuzzy so it takes the power out of this area. All the more the left side is sharper and powerful. The frog look like he is jumping into the mane picture. I did not change anything on this picture.

This pictures story is simple. Our job was to take picture from toys that our teacher gave us and to let it look real. I really like this picture because it is a strong one where everyone can see something in it. You can create new art from it, like putting a quote over it or use it as a wallpaper. It could be more powerful when I would edit it so that the yellow and the green from the frog is stronger. I also would try to bring out the frog.

High Key Lighting

Low Horizon Lines



Angle Up

Close Distance

Far Distance

Rule Of Thirds

Formal Balance

Angel Down

Low Key Lighting

Silhouette Lighting