sculpture concentration #1

Three Musketeers

My artwork is made out of sculpey clay, that i formed into animal heads and baked those then for 30 minutes. I painted each head in a different colour, glued little tan foil aspects like eyes and a crown to it and glued then all heads together in a circle on a bigger tan foil that i knelt together. After painting the tan foil and a little the glue black I was done with it.

My sculpture supposed to be animal heads with human bodies doing an activity but I could not find a working material that could held the heavy heads. So I had to find something else and I came up with old barbies. Unfortunately I also could not find some that would have cost me at least 30$. So...I had to come up with another idea, the idea of using a painting, paint bodies on it and glue the heads on it. This also did not work out well, it look very boring and I could not really add the heads on the frame. Then Mrs Medsker help me and said I can just use the heads and do not need the bodies. So I made my animals look like a trophy for unrealistic creatures. Yes and that is the story of my sculptures idea.

So I am proud that I finally finished it but i think for my next creature I really have to make a plan before I start with developing something