sculpture concentration #2

Creative Life Force

My artwork is made out of clay, that I formed into a snake and baked it. I painted with india ink colour. When the paint dried it started to crusted and peeled of. So I had to come up with something different to get an interesting pattern. I really liked flowers, especially dried one so I glued my dried flowers from last september on the snakes back what took me the entire afternoon. But I loved it.

So I brought my snake to school and let the crusted paint on it, so it looks rustical.

I chose to make this sculpture because I my concentration are animals and a snake represents the creative life force. I want to show the people a pretty coloured individual that bites in her one tail just to get in the round form. I want to say that your personal creative life force is the one that makes you pretty and special.

Next time, i know how to deal with the india ink colour with clay.

creative life force 2

creative life force 3