Designing Abstraction


Marker, Ink, and Colored Pencil on Bristol

9 x 12

Each box in the matrix (pictured left) is meant to convey a particular element and principle of design. For my final piece, I ended up combining two different squares, one emphasizing color and movement, the other embodying line and variety. I feel that the final result focuses on color and line.

I began by copying the thumbnail sketch emphasizing color and movement (2nd column from left, 3rd row from bottom), using colored pencils and marker for the squares. I felt that this was incomplete however, and I began adding lines using an ink pen. I alternated between thin and thick lines, with the end result looking a bit like the shimmer in an oil stain.

The lines were unplanned, but I love the result. They are something that has appeared in my previous art, and it was fun to work with an element that I find enjoyable and interesting. I used blue and green markers for the squares, which was a mistake. The markers produced an uneven color and were difficult to work with. I debating adding more details to the empty squares, but decided against it since I like the contrast they add in the midst of a more detailed drawing. I feel that they also could act as screens that the viewer can project their own impressions onto.