Covid-19 Visual Response #1

Covid-19 Visual Response: "Unity in Isolation"

Colored Pencils on Drawing Paper

11" x 14"

This drawing shows two young women practicing social isolation in order to keep others safe. Although many of us can afford masks, we can't all afford to go out live normally just yet. While staying at home many of us have found hobbies or picked up new skills, most of us able to bond over a quarantine-baking-experience. These women might be in the same neighborhood or halfway across the globe, but by staying at home they are joining a part of a worldwide, unified force that is trying their best to keep everyone safe. The middle of this drawing with their hands reaching out towards each other and the sun in the background signifies the struggle we are going through together, even if our physical person to person contact is scarce. It also represents the future we can and will have soon if we ensure the follow through of precautionary measures now. For this piece, I tried using the same outline throughout the piece to draw attention to our distinctness and separation, but also our unity within that. I tried to keep several aspects that aligned throughout the drawing to emphasize this. Some things I'd like to improve upon in a future piece are to have a stronger background and better management/planning of my materials as I ended up running out and it didn't come out as strong as I would've liked. I also would like to focus more on alignment in the future as the middle part of my drawing did not line up as I had hoped, weakening the composition of the drawing.