Linoleum Prints

Carved Linoleum Stamp

Solid Color Print

Multi-color Print

Non-traditional Background

Extended Print

Tools & Materials: Linoleum block, metal gouge, ink (blue, green, pink), "jelly" block, various scraps (for extended print), brayer, paper, and magazines

For this project I was assigned to create a stamp using a design I created. For this piece I wanted to create something that took to my interests, something that was not only an intricate design but also something I resonate with. With this in mind I decided to go for a landscape or something to do with nature. I spend a lot of time exploring the outdoors and seeking new adventures. I started out with the main focus, the mountains. I wanted them to be the main focus because I ski a lot during the winter and the mountains are something that make me happy, even when I see an image of one. I wanted this piece to feel happy and free. Like the way the mountains make me feel.

I began making the stamp by sketching my design on a piece of drawing paper. I then traced the design onto a linoleum block using a method of coloring the back of the paper with graphite and tracing the design with the paper on top of the block. Once my design was on the linoleum block, I began carving it out with a small metal gouge to create the stamp with the design. When the stamp was finished I then chose multiple different colors of ink to print my stamp onto paper, and magazine paper to create the non-traditional surfaced print. I used a brayer to roll on the ink and pressed firmly onto the paper. It took multiple tries with each color to get a smooth and detailed print.

Throughout the process of making the prints and the stamp I ran into some issues. Those being; layering the ink on too thickly and not getting a detailed image when I stamped it. It took many tries to get the layer of ink right on the stamp and stamping the paper. It was especially difficult getting a good stamp on the non-traditional background because I only had one chance to get the print to come out exactly how I wanted it. I practiced many times on paper and even other surfaces. I was happy how the magazine background came out so I decided to stick with that one! Also carving the stamp itself was difficult at times. I was not very familiar with the materials and there were such small details it was difficult to avoid messing up. This project took a great deal of practice, detail, and experimentation, but I am happy with the final results!