Foundations of Art

Throughout my year in foundations of art I have learned many things. Not only about art and the process behind it, but what it means to me. I have found many things I am good at and some things I am not so good at. I found that I have an interest in creating more realistic pieces and drawing compared to creating 3D art or painting. Throughout all the things I have learned about art and myself I have realized there are some things that have affected me as a learner that is shown through my art. For example drawing is one of my strengths and is something I prefer to do, but making sculptures is also something that I am not terrible at, it is just not my preferred method of creating. I think this shows that when I work hard at something and put all of my effort into it the art and creativity will shine through, not just what I’m good at. While learning different techniques and facing challenges I learned a lot about solving problems and how I can fix them, I also learned that starting over or completely changing your mind about something is not always a bad thing and can turn out for the better. Trying my best helped me to experience challenges and learn from them. Those challenges helped me grow and taught me how I can do better in the future.

Progressively through the year, I have noticed some improvement in my work. In the beginning of the year I didn’t feel as creative or excited about making art. But the more I worked on different pieces and learning more techniques and about art itself, I think I became more interested and that pushed me to do better and let the creativity flow naturally. With that in mind I think Ms. Medsker also pushed me to do better. I was not always on top of my work for one reason or another, but every time I finished, or didn’t finished, something she always uplifted my work and motivated me to do better, not just for the class, but for myself.

After taking foundations of art this year I have become a more artistic minded person. I am always thinking of something to create and pointing out things that are creative and thinking about the process it probably took to make. I still have some things I want to improve on, like drawing more realistic people and more detailed paintings. I also want to branch out and try more sculpture or functional pieces. I will definitely be drawing in my free time as it is now one of my ways of coping with stress and is something I really enjoy. I would like to work on drawing faces and people as they are something that is difficult for me to get exactly how I want it. I think working on these things in the future will help me to become a better artist and will help me improve also as a person. Creating and learning help me to build my personality and helps me overall as a person because it relieves that stress from everyday life and brings joy not only to myself but other people when they see my work. It makes me feel proud and like I have accomplished something when I make art because I see other people enjoying it. I want to continue to allow others to experience my work and build upon myself. Continuing this lifestyle of making art out of passion will make me become a stronger person mentally and physically