Sustained Investigation #8

Lucas's Room

Digital art on Procreate

The main idea that guided this artwork is that I wanted to show off the personality of another main character within my inquiries story. The space of the room and the objects within it should tell the viewer a good amount about the character without knowing any of his story. Some objects are there to foreshadow his story, others show personality. Some objects like the laptop and rubixcube are just there to show that he is a bit of a nerd. The dinosaur and legos show off a younger side because he is the youngest of the cast by nearly two years. The legos and the Star Wars poster also show off a nerdy side but are also there because the main antagonistic force against this character is the round robot villain I designed and drew in the first sustained investigation. The plants scattered around the room represent how he will overcome this antagonistic force since there story is very "man vs machine. There are also a variety of awards on the wall but above them all is AJ's drawing a a UFO. This foreshadows the later abduction but also showed that he values her friendship above any of his own achievements.    

This program was made digitally on the program Procreate on an iPad using an apple pencil was a stylist. I choose the same material as last time because I'm making three of these rooms and want to be able to edit them together one page later on. Additionally I actually wanted commit to doing this one in color unlike the last one (though I did go back and mess with SI7s values). This time around I colored in the whole thing in black and white to make sure the values were right, then I went and made a custom gradient map to change the greys to different colores, going from a light yellow green to a dark blueish green. Overall that is the color pallet of the character, contrashing well with the red eyes of his antagonists. 

 I knew what I wanted to so with this piece from the start, having more experience going into this one then the last, I knew I wanted to lay out the object in a way that felt lived in, but did not block one another so you could see everything. This is why there is decidedly not a chair in front of the bed because it would make that area to cluttered. There is a balance of putting a lot of objects in the left back corner of the room and the front right. Paired with not as many objects in the front left and back right. There are also transitional objects like the carpet that make the room flow. People usually read a art left to right like text so the lines on the floor help guide this because I want them to scan over everything then look more closely at individual things. 

Original sketch 

Colored in version of SI7 

Return of the jedi 40th anniversary poster 

In prosess photo