Donate Life

Donate Life

Digital drawing on Procreate

11" x 8.5"

The main idea that guided this artwork is the "Donate Life" project. The requirements for this project was a certain canvas size, the words "organ and tissue donation", and a slogan about why you should donate. The point of this project is to raise awareness about organ donations and to get people to become a donor and check off the box on their drivers lisence. For the project I drew a drum set because I randomy thought of the slogen "Let you heart keep beating to the beat of the drum" to be fair im faily certain thats an incorrect quoting of a Kesha lyric. From this I did a sketch of a drumset with the words above and the "organ and tissue donation" on the drumset. I was trying to say "CHECK OF THE BOX" with this piece, organ donation is an important cause. 

This piece was first a sketch on paper then I did the final work digitally on the program Procreat on an IPad using an appel pencil as a stylist. I desided to do this work digitaly because I though that a project that required words would do mesh well with going the route of graphic design. It worked really well to have a simple and clean looking drummset with a nice color skeam of flat primary colors, somthing one can't truly achive with traditional art. I also desided to do a digital piece because you can type right on the canvas, change the fount and positining on a wim. Different from just taking a photo of a piece and typing on it you can also move the text behind certain objects by having it on a lower layer. 

Why the colors? I chose to do a color skeam of blue and red tones that I had saved as a color pallet, with each going from light to dark consistently. For the drumset the differnt parts are blocked in with flat color with the vales I thought looked best. I though it gave a nice stylized feel closer to somthing you would see out of a graphic design piece.