Advanced Art and Design 

Final Reflection

Over the cores of this school year I feel as though my art has improved significantly. Especially were digital art is concerned I continued to improve my skills because I used it for many class and personal projects this year. I also feel like I have improved my ability to draw human faces over the cores of this year because I practiced that a lot and also semented a consistent artstyle for myself, something that was previously very lucid. Both my strengths and weaknesses as a student show through my artwork, I feel like I had a very consistent artstyle throughout my works this year, especially the digital ones as previously mentioned. I also feel like my use of color and value in my works this year was a strength. A major weakness that unfortunately permeates a few of my works is time constraint and time commitment, I did not put nearly as much time as I wanted to into some of my works this year simply because I was bissie or put it off. This is a weakness that I need to overcome as a learner. 

The most challenging artwork for me this year is probably a tie between the duck stamp and sustained investigation #12. For the duck stamp it is generally expected to do realism, something I do not like doing and have little experience with. Because of that, and despite gathering many references, I thought my goose tunred out subpar but at least I learned more about color mixing and realistic backgrounds through doing the project. Sustained Investigation #12 was a challenge because I decided to work with charcoal, something I also don't have a lot of experience with. This time though I was drawing something from my own imagination. so I didn't need to worry to much about realism even if it bordered more on that end. I'm really happy with how it turned out as it's one of the works I put the most time into and a lot of thought and revision with the values and shading. That being said the work that I am the most proud of this school year is Sustained Investigation #7, a room drawn in perspective that contains a lot of detail and values. It is the work that I put the most time and effort into because I had to re-learn perspective and balance a color pallet. 

Looking towards the future I don't plan on stopping making art anytime soon. For my senior project I am continuing my sustained investigation on my own terms by actually writing and illustrating part of the story. This is important to me because both art and creative writing are near and dear to my heart and im glad i've been given the opportunity by the school to pursue both in the last month of my senior year. Looking beyond high school i'm going to the University of Maine in Orono for college. I'm entering as a double major, pursuing both Earth and Climate sciences and Studio Arts. I got a scholarship for the Studio Arts program because I submitted a portfolio mostly containing art i've created in class over the past two years. Even looking beyond all schooling I always plan on making art in my free time, its something I have always genuinely enjoy.