Sustained Investigation #1

Prologue Villain Design

Various markers, clear sticky notes 

12" x 9"

The main idea guided this artwork was the prologue I wrote for my senior project comic. I chose to do this character first from a list of characters that I wanted to draw out before using in the comic. For this particular characters design I was inspired by one of the many types of far in the future humans found in the story "All Tomorrow's", even if it was admitaly unintentional the resemblance is undeniable and its a piece of media I have listen too many times. What pushed this characters design further was thinking about it from the lens of the characters in the story, particularly I could see the main character AJ calling it an "evil bowling ball". That's a thought that randomly popped into my head andI really leaned into the bowling ball aesthetic for the outer shell of the character. The mask like design on the inner layer is important for later in the story when this villain possesses and mind controls one of the protagonists. 

This work was made by first sketching out a few designs and then by using the character in what is currently a five panel prologue to my comic. Then I sketched out the character twice on a piece of artist paper, one closed one opened. I used a circle stencil for the character and for all the green circles in the background. Everthing was colord in with either pencil or markers, then I took a fine tipped pen to write out the 'ruins' that go around some of the circels. After that I found some clear sticky notes and used them to creat a second layer to the pice, using metalic silver marker to create more detail. 

The first draft of this charicter came from the sketch of my comics prologe, the idea being that the bowling ball robot is a henchmen to an alien society looking to do expirements on lifeforms considered illigel by the gilactic concil or some other space related origin story that will be important to the charicters later. In truth this robot is actually a victum ofthes illigel expirements that was simply an unintelligent alien lifform compatipel with a robot body and therefor gained sentience but lost all its atonamy in the prossess. This is also why it uses the 'organic code' shown by the 'ruins' that are also heavily imporant to the story.